Tag: Basic
Drawbridge with function v 1.0

credits: GIANTS Basic model of http://sketchup.google.com bridge Wolthusen Models: Wennzel, PARTcommunity Signs of: optimized heater LS13 by: Hirntot2.0 zugschranke.lua by Sven777b Other parts of: Whoever finds something, please report.
Lemken Kompaktor Aufgesattelt

Credits: Basic Model: Bigfarmer145 + addition: Dzanito Script: Dzanito BeleuchtungV3: Sven777b Verbreiterung: wuma Textures: Fendto Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123463378/38d50fa/Lemken_Kompaktor.zip.html
Opall-Agri Saturn III
Description: Basic Model: Bigfarmer145 + addition: Dzanito Textures: Dzanito Script: Dzanito BeleuchtungV3: Sven777b Download: Opall-Agri Saturn III [Hotfile.com] Download: Opall-Agri Saturn III [Uploading.com]
Lemken Kompaktor
Description: Basic Model: Bigfarmer145 + addition: Dzanito Texturen: Fendto Script: Dzanito BeleuchtungV3: Sven777b Download: Lemken Kompaktor [Hotfile.com] Download: Lemken Kompaktor [Uploading.com]