Tag: Beautiful
Bockowo V3.1

Beautiful Poland map, the farm is located in a populated area. Everything you need for the normal functioning of the farm is located in your vicinity. Silos are located on the farm, but unlike other maps, their fruit is raised to the mill, and that it can be sold immediately. Farmer shop and mill are located in the village is a farm on the outskirts of the village. Bale has the destruction of the few places on the map. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. Some fruits are HD textures and can come to “chopping” the image on older ... Read more
Beautiful land map v 1.0

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vy7tn5f8tn8z46f http://www.sendspace.com/file/51mnyz

DEUTZ CUTTER WR-1320 is the latest development! Width of 13 meters! Fully a highly automated device! Cleans the following cultures: maize wheat rape barley rice soybean pea sugarcane oat! Beautiful animation! Every self-respecting farmer should have this reaper! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8PxyrvZ2vM&feature=youtu.be Download: http://ul.to/nis48a5m
The new tiller from HORSCH! Designed for medium fields! Width of 12.5 meters! Beautiful animation! Download it! Download: http://ul.to/2fl2pgqm http://uploading.com/files/a749a512/tiger12MT.zip/
Beautiful Worlds
Credits Ich danke allen Moddern für deren tolle Objekte und Scripte, die auf der Map verbaut worden sind. Dies gilt insbesondere für Fatian, Heady, ls09-11-modstation, ETS/GTS , Janhenrik, GeneralX, Sandgroper, Hewaaa, Meistro, Acert, Blackburner, Desch, Nubsi, Börndi, … Und natürlich allen, deren Herkunft nicht mehr geklärt werden konnte. Solltet Ihr Modelle von Euch finden, aber in den Credits vergessen worden sein, einfach melden, dann trage ich das gerne nach… Ein großer Dank geht auch wieder an Dareal für die guten Tipps und das ausführliche Testen der Map Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123648925/2fd50e2/Beautiful_WorldsV1–ENTPACK_MICH.zip.html