Tag: Beauty
Scania R560 – Black Beauty v3.0

Modell: SCS-Software Umbau/Textur/Scripts: Scania Power/unicorn0007 Zubehörset/Scripts: Repi Warning Light (Bjelke) v by Jossva
Fendt 724 Vario Black Beauty by SamN

Model, Textures, Ingame – SamN Wheels – STIANBY, 3xitus Scripts – Sven777b, JoXXer BJR, SFM-Modding, Decal – AzoaX Help with scripts – JoXXer – Many thanks. GIANTS Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?emiiq1yq1aq5cae http://www.sendspace.com/file/yf6h7o
Lemken Gigant 1400 Black Beauty Reskin
Full Animated AI Helper Field-border detection Light, Brakelight, Turnlights, Warnlights Beacon Key´s: N = Transport / Workmode M = Lower / Raise K = Beacon Numpad / = field-border detection ( SwitchLimit2Field mod by Sven777b is needed) Numpad1 = Turnlight left Numpad2 = Warnlights Numpad3 = Turnlight right Credits: Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw / Face / Jegge LS11 Conversion: Jegge Script Edit: Jegge Reskin: Henk Giertank Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6jm5f2202z4q2f2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/8iogxl
Fendt Vario 939 Black Beauty by TIF and ModHoster team workshop v 1.0
avenzio Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Templaer Ago-Systemtech @ TIF- http://forum.tractor-italia.net Clod @ TIF-http://forum.tractor-italia.net Tobias F. Sven777b JoXXer Knagsted zartask / Mr. F Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?oqor6871qjaf0jt http://www.sendspace.com/file/vzw4yz
Fendt 933 Black Beauty v 2
Credits: waschbar, 330PS, Allrad, Black Beauty,Rundumleuchte, Blinker Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127875471/4189f6a/Fendt933VarioBB.zip.html
Fendt 933 Black Beauty
Credits: waschbar, 330PS, Allrad, Black Beauty Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127738093/fdc3494/Fendt933VarioBB.zip.html
Fendt Xylon 524 Black Beauty
Credits: Marke: Fendt Modell: XYLON 524 Jahr: 1999 Stunden: 1680 h Leistung: 145 PS Zustand: Gebraucht Getriebe: Teillastgetriebe Getriebe Typ: Allrad Verkaeufer: MRA MODDING Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127614379/284d858/FendtXylon524.zip.html