Tag: beef farm
HayField Farm

Welcome to HayField Farm. ► Beef Farm – Silage only ► Small tight yard ► Moving cows ► No village, traffic or dealership ► Small map with only a few fields ► All fields are grass and maize. No cerial crops! ► New textures ► Paintable trees with only a few giants trees to save on lagg ► Steep terrain ► Open/Close gates – FMC Trigger needed. ► Id3 – 10.7mb ► FMC Trigger Credits Chris_7710 LS-UK ModTeam FMC Dad0 DaleC Deutz Fahr UK Giants
Welsh Farm

Here is one of my latest maps, Welsh Farm. The map is based on where I live and the surrounding areas. The map does not have working milk truck, but the milk automatically gets sold. The map also has fully working traffic witch drive on the correct side of the road. There is two farms, one small beef farm witch had bale sell points and a place to tip grass witch is located in front of the cattle feed barriers. The second farm has the silage pits witch are located to the right of the farm down a tight track. ... Read more
American Beef Farm

Credits: Venom for the sheds sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Ace_UK for the starter map Loose terror for the cattle trailer Modified Milk mod original by aceofspades and changes by me Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128349002/4d6d544/American_Beef_Farm_Unzip_Me.zip.html
High Grounds Farm
this map is a tradtional cumbrian style map with a dairy and arable farm and another smaller beef farm with a village john deere dealer grain silos all triggers so enojy playing on mulitplayer or single player Credits: start Map-pfreek lowgrounds farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings–ALS/geertyb0y objects-duetz fahr uk Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126687898/c3301ba/highgroundsfarm.zip.html
Beef Farm
Credits: Farm Building – ls-uk.info Modteam yard objects – deutz fahr uk & MF6160 Models – Sandgroper British hay/straw shed – Farmerl start Map – pfreek Lowpolytrees – Vanilleeis Telegraph Poles/Pylons – TSZ Map Farm Animals v1.0 – Maxter Farm Animals v1.2 – Maxter Testers – tomo23, mounsey01 and NiallLod Hope thats every one. Download: <a href="http://hotfile.com/dl/121453680/b7e