Tag: Beet
Farming the bottom

First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh
Ligota 2011 v 1.0 big change

What has changed: – Skins of grass, – Skins land What was added: – Beet and potatoes (kubek19966) – 4 farms, instead of ordinary houses, (the equipment is about 85% for each) – Weeds, – Bridges on the river, – buying – Manure v2 Credits: map by Maks1026 Thanks to: – ZeFir’a for buildings, and help – Marcina345 for buildings – Kubkowi19966 for additional crop and Support – Dakasowi12 for help Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eerx70eabwn0v55 http://www.sendspace.com/file/txtygg
Big Village

Karminie cows with BGA potatoes Beet Manure v2 two Farms cows Buying bel Straw Mod v2 (small cubes) Download: http://ul.to/q0sz3ctv
tymap v1.1
This is my new map. reforms: -The growth time corrected -Sand driving the opportunity to -New start vehicles -Potato and sugar beet of the sale -Three new fields Download: http://ul.to/h6lshi89
Beet harvester V202 Stoll
Model/Animacje/Programowanie: Matinho Skrypty: Sven777b, Sven18koehler, Burner Pomoc: Patryk1634 EDIT: SchorschiBW Download: http://ul.to/z0nzjp9o
Farmin Simulator 2011 Map v2 by wopito
Description: This is Map! -Edited from the original map -Farm and Livestock in the positions added to the original location, just different buildings, -Two additional quality grain, Sugar Beet and Sunflower, and added to the silos -Two new fields added -Deleted the port and the other in vain who are not related to the cultivation of –PDA map update -For beginning the game’s best vehicles and tools Credits: A big thank you also for all buildings in which materials, etc. I am using the map. They need a lot so I do not designate the area of each separately. Thank ... Read more