Tag: beets
Weidemann Siebschaufel v 1.0

Siebschaufel for Weidemann for sand-free load of sugar beets and potatoes. Credits: Baggerfahrer aka LH_Dredger aka Jeremy Krohs
Agro map Romania

This map is my first project and I hope you enjoy my work 4 months! Are initially lasted so long but I think that went well against other beginners because I did not hurry! Map is multyfruit potatoes, sugar beets, green wheat, sunflower, cow manure also has solid BGA, weed on fields, variations of relief. This map has no traffic so you have to go alone to sell milk for milk machine will not come. This map is a edit of C.L.M map low version Any changes and post the map on the Internet is strictly prohibited without my permission ... Read more
Kanzas v3 beta

Map01.i3d – 9MB There are potatoes and beets but do not add to their modes together. It is also a cow and BGA. Grain sold as storage only and does not come. MP ready Download: http://ul.to/457p5dqv http://freakshare.com/files/08vf4dgl/kanzas3.zip.html
So, here is the version in the edit alternativtipping ls uk it is everything the same only you can unload the following crops more: Rye grass, oats, potatoes, sugar beets sunflowers and soybeans fertilizer gravel carrots Created the pile with ctrl + x Download:
The small farmer Map
I offer a new map. Here you can plow until the doctor comes. Construction time about 180 hours I’ve tested it extensively. But only in single player, so no guarantee on multiplayer. As a fruit, there are the default locations and then sunflowers, potatoes and sugar beets. I decline to a BGA, the madness because I can not support food to burn. But you can make the Hächselgut the farmer with pigs. Also takes the grass and corn. The allotment can sell manure and manure Otherwise you can make the fruit flavors in the bakery and general store and also ... Read more
Rocky Mountain farming Map
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more
Map V7. It is the last map from the series. I’m now even carrots, potatoes and green wheat installed. The interim storage facility for the turnip was replaced by a new hall and you can store there now, carrots and potatoes. The beets, potatoes and carrots kan be there either by conveyor belt or loaded with the loader bucket . Download: http://uploaded.to/file/qpzksluo
Boleszwo v 4 By Protektor [mp]
Info: -medium map –traffic -lack of pedestrian -milkmaid -main crop potatoes and beets + -modified length of the plant growth -buying potatoes and sugar beet on the farm –cows -careful execution Credits: map By Protektor Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121256525/a343f85/Boleszwo_V4_By_Protektor_unpack.rar.html
Mapa Mazurski Raj
The map contains: -Cows -the possibility of feeding cows in the barn, including bales and grass from the collector -which takes dairy milk –purchase of cereal, -a large number of fields -added potatoes, beets, oats, -curiously shaped terrain Credits: By Stasiu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120986014/c7ec259/Mapa_Mazurski_Raj_unrar.rar.html