STEYR-T80 AustriaV1-15er
Credits: V1.0 Heckhubwerk Zapfwelle Blinker MP Bremslicht Licht Original Sound Beleuchtung der Nummerntafel 25l Tank 3400 LS–Preis Download:
Credits: V1.0 Heckhubwerk Zapfwelle Blinker MP Bremslicht Licht Original Sound Beleuchtung der Nummerntafel 25l Tank 3400 LS–Preis Download:
Credits: Fendt 933 Vario Profi Plus v2 Modell: Giants, Smety Textur: Giants, Smety Script: Smety motorized steerable hirable aiTractor ESLimiter operatingHours greenstar ak_InfoPanel powerShaftAttacher beleuchtung wheelHydraulic moveAttacher wheelParticleSpec rotation Autopilot Odometer MatbromanualIgnition WheelDirtSpecialization Duels2...
CREDITS: Model: Exspeed Convert and Edit: Dzanito Beleuchtung V3: Sven777b Download:
Credits: Model and Textures:Templaer ES Limiter, Operating Hours, PowerShaftAttacher: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Convert to LS11 and Edit Textures: Dzanito Beleuchtung mod: Sven777b Odometer: Robert Hostens TwinWheels: ? Download:
Credits: Modell:SKP Formatiert:Christian2002 Beleuchtung V3 Hupe Download:
Credits: Description: Model and textures: Lubik, Matliik In Game: Dzanito Script: Defender Beleuchtung mod: Sven777b Download:
Description: Convert and Edit by Dzanito Beleuchtung v3 mod: Sven777b Download: CLAAS Rollant 255 [] Download: CLAAS Rollant 255 []
Description: Samson PG: Model: Bindesboel Texture: Bindesboel Lys: Michael^Admin Crane and script from Kaweco by: Acid_Burn84 ©, Arnold & Tymo Beleuchtung v3 Script: Sven777b Foldable script: Stefan Geiger Tank: Model: Bindesboel Texture: Bindesboel Lys:...
Description: Spec,: manualIgnition PowershaftT moveAttacher extraWeights greenstar beleuchtung ESLimiter tafeln Stats engineManagement rpmRange washable Einblendung Autopilot Mod by: balogh2003,, BASSRAT, NH G240 AP by: McRiggs and JDPower79 Download: John Deere 8345R v2.0 []...
Description: Specializations: Beleuchtung Operating Hours ESLimiter Motor Ignition2 Wheel Particle Spec John Deere Hud Radio Credits: Modell,Skin,: Deutzjeck 93 Ls2011+Edit+Skinupdate+Updats=Nsze1423