Tag: belts
Bga Map v 1

3 New manure belts; New grass texture; New Cultivator texture; Seeding new texture; 1 bale shredder; New manure texture; New manure texture; New corn texture; New road texture; 1 New Silagesilo; 1 New Grassilo; Download: http://ul.to/0crljh8e http://www.fileserving.com/files/4wTxaTdhui/Bga_Map.zip
My first map v 1.1

3 New manure belts; New grass texture; New Cultivator texture; Seeding new texture; 1 bale shredder; New manure texture; New manure texture; New corn texture; New road texture; 1 New Silagesilo; 1 New Grassilo. Download: http://ul.to/50pwsufx http://www.fileserving.com/files/35y-s9XYxq/Meiene_Erste_Map.zip
Bush Hog

This mower is for cutting your small to medium fields or cleaning up around the farm or roads. Unfortionatly the pto shaft, belts, and blades do not turn/move. The mower has a rusted old texture so it goes good with an older tractor. Enjoy. Credits: Model, Textures and Scripts: German Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1gxa899ubi4aj9z http://www.sendspace.com/file/uuzedf
Bale Grinder
This mod allows you to grind your bales up and make money off them. there are 2 places for bales, one in the back near the motor and the large one up front. there are 2 working conveyor belts on the front to pull your bales in once you load them on. make sure to unload them off the belts or they will fall off. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zjc6x69e60efxn6 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ufntx8