Tag: beta version
Somewhere in Bavaria V Beta Version

Die map habe ich erstellt Händlerschuppen: Modell: ich ne Textur & Ingame: Katsuo (Ich habe ein die Texturen getauscht) Hofgebäude: Fachwerkscheune mit ballenlager –> modelleicher ScheuneStall –> modelleicher kleiner Fachwerkunterstand –> modelleicher Fachwerkscheune zum durchfahren –> modelleicher Schwäbisches Bauernhaus –> modelleicher Misthaufen –> modelleicher Gülleentnahmestelle –> modelleicher Milchkannen –> modelleiche Dorfgebäude: Häuser & Brauerei –> modelleicher Texturen: Terraintexturen –> modelleicher Foliagetexturen –> modelleicher Straßen –> Fatina Holzstapelset Idee: Buschi Umsetzung: Buschi Tests: Modding Society Team Weidetor Modell: iMarwin Textur: iMarwin Schilder –> modelleicher Für die dazugehörigen Scripts habe ich ebenfalls die Erlaubnis von modelleicher!
Unimog 1600 v0.5 BETA

Facts: Unimog 1600 by Maxter Released lying around for because of bad BETA Modular I nformation: Only a BETA version, improved full version may follow if he likes you! Note Model: Maxter texture: Maxter-game: Maxter tires: Thanks to Luis Ködel Is only released because it is lying around on my eyes too bad … IT IS NOT PERMITTED FOR OTHER MODELS TEXTURES OR MODS TO USE AND TO DOWNLOAD TO MAKE! Copyright INSIDE!
Flattlands Vogte v 1.0

This is the map constructed Flattlands komplettneu … Beta version —– another version is yet to come Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/8EHFVkHGTg/Flattlands_Beta.zip http://fiberupload.com/3ss7q5wzxo0l/Flattlands_Beta.zip
CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)

Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there. For the moment in the map: – original Fruits. – SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready. – MP tested Reason that i build this map: my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ... Read more
Deutz AgroXXL
Description: Specializations: -kinkSteering -rpmLimiter Credits: LS09 Beta version by PeterJ LS 2011 ready by Mettwurstbrot Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129757861/3e5b822/Deutz_Fahr_AgroXXXL.zip.html
Map V1. Beta Version
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/118902603/10081e5/Map-V1.-Beta-Version.rar.html
350.1 Map BETA
Description: This is the 350.1 map by SG2Powr. “It just a Beta version, because SG2Powr have no time for it. Everyone can finish it and release his version.” Credits: All credits SG2Powr / konamigiants Download: 350.1 Map BETA [Hotfile.com] Download: 350.1 Map BETA [Uploading.com]
Dean Valley map Beta V1
Description: This is my first full scale map …..well 3/4 this is a beta version although not yet complete. The map has a typical British theme with narrow lanes, winding roads advisable to turn off traffic as paths not set for traffic. Also the milk tanker will not come to your farm ….you will have to drive it yourself. The map is fully MP compatible. original fruits BGA Sell milk Cow zone Slurry, Manure 1 selling place for all fruits (brewery) Credits: Thanks to model makers if iv used your mods Map By Bob81 Thanks to Seppie For MP ... Read more