Tag: BGA

Beacons View Dairy Farm V2.1

Credits: Giants (of course) Slartibartfast aka DOCTORHILTI for ind est and houses and shop models Dr-uptown and Marcus for their hard work on the FMCmapdoortrigger and animating ind est doors potato/beet shed Decker_MMIV for the experimental multifruit map & fruit coding advice & the PDA mod. All at FMC who have contributed in one way or another The LS-UK mod team for the Gates and Gateposts from Wellbrook farm (09) adrien12 for the gazoil tank Duarn for the maison03 & 04 willjsavage for the old country wall discoade for the paths from his Map objects pack Sandgroper for the triple ... Read more

Herlefeld Map-Ls 2011

Description: Benötigte Mods: MapDoorTrigger MapSuperSiloTrigger BGA Scripte von Heady Großer Hof: Halle mit Rolltor: Börndi Halle im Berghang: Fendt208V Kuhstall auf Hof: face Bäume: Desperados93; Giants Güllebunker: Giants Wohnhaus: Janhenrik Zuchtstall an Weide: eifok Kleiner Hof: Güllebunker: face Getreidelager: IHC Master Abkipphalle: SourceWorks Unterstellmöglichkeiten: pfreek; Dorf: Bürgersteige: Desperados93 Häuser: Giants Fahrzeuge: Giants Zäune: Desperados93; Giants /iMarwin Stromhäuschen: Giants LIDL Supermarkt: Modsource Ambient: Strommasten: unbekannt ft. Desperados93 Autobahn: Fatian; SourceWorks Autobahnbrücke: Desperados93 Landhandel: eifok Zeppelin: Giants (DC) Händler: Zaun+Schiebetor: Desperados93 Gebäude: Giants (SRS) BGA+Script: pfreek sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137946266/70bdbf5/Herlefeld.html


Map: BadenBauer Bauernhaus und Mühle: Janhenrik BGA und Straßen: Fatian Windrad: Manuel: BGA Tor: Desperados93 BGA Waage und Landhandel: Eifok-Team Brücke: pfreek Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137928378/a92954d/NeuenburgerLand.rar.html

The small farmer Map

I offer a new map. Here you can plow until the doctor comes. Construction time about 180 hours I’ve tested it extensively. But only in single player, so no guarantee on multiplayer. As a fruit, there are the default locations and then sunflowers, potatoes and sugar beets. I decline to a BGA, the madness because I can not support food to burn. But you can make the Hächselgut the farmer with pigs. Also takes the grass and corn. The allotment can sell manure and manure Otherwise you can make the fruit flavors in the bakery and general store and also ... Read more

Polish Map

includes a farm, lots of meadows, BGA, additional planting, and other stuff by cayman Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137034143/9ae3597/cayman_mp.zip.html

Dry Valley Map V2 with BGA – version with sell grain

Original map by Dad0 BGA Objecten: Fatian Script: Heady Download: http://ul.to/ht9ym0lu

FS in LV V2

BGA:Fatian, lipavsky, MANASS (Dry Valley Map V2 with BGA) FarmAnimals V1.0: NewManLS Building pack: Venom All added/edit: Jetujs Download: http://ul.to/ntf1riew

shire valley map v2

bob81 for helping with the BGA ian_c for being a good help and good advice. acert for the milk mod and dave_p for the upload. and all lsuk members that made the buildings thx and keep them coming Download: http://ul.to/cypkmd0l

Süderhastedt map v1 edit

that map its the same but i have editd the ground. thats a map whit 5 silage silo pit and one manure pit. its not cow sone in the map but you can use teh milck mod. there are 2 farms and one BGA. thats only orginal frutis. there are wery many corn fields but it is canola,barly,and wheat also. thee map its multiplayer ready and singel player ready. so I hope you will like it. Download: http://ul.to/mxw3u6tw

Dry valley v2 BGA grain mill (LITE)

– BGA Object by Fatian – Script by Heady – map by Dad0 – Silos bin by Leszek – Farm Buildings by Venom Download: http://ul.to/2syo8wgf