Tag: BGA
Map Bga

Dies ist die Standard Map mit der Bio Gas Anlage von der Riverside Map und Dem Riverside Hof die Map ist gedacht für Leute die sich nicht die dlc Packs Kaufen wollen oder die einen schwachen PC oder ein Laptop haben.

Willkommen in der Wetterau. Diese Karte lehnt sich zum Teil an ein Gebiet inmitten der schönen Wetterau an. Euch stehen ein Haupthof und 2 Außenlager/Höfe zur Verfügung. Es gibt insgesamt 46 Felder. Von klein bis groß ist für jeden etwas dabei. Ihr könnt Standardfrüchte anbauen. Zusätzlich stehen euch noch Zuckerrüben, Kartoffeln, Karotten, Hafer, Baumwolle und Luzerne zur Verfügung. Die Milch wird abgeholt. Zusätzlich könnt ihr diese auch bei Lidl oder Aldi verkaufen. Im Wald in der Nähe der Burg befindet sich ein Bienenschlag. Dort könnt ihr Honig laden und bei Aldi oder Lidl verkaufen. Selbstverständlich ist auch eine BGA verbaut. ... Read more
Agro map Romania

This map is my first project and I hope you enjoy my work 4 months! Are initially lasted so long but I think that went well against other beginners because I did not hurry! Map is multyfruit potatoes, sugar beets, green wheat, sunflower, cow manure also has solid BGA, weed on fields, variations of relief. This map has no traffic so you have to go alone to sell milk for milk machine will not come. This map is a edit of C.L.M map low version Any changes and post the map on the Internet is strictly prohibited without my permission ... Read more
Upper East Side
Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more
BGA Control
Hi guys i found this on another site and i thought i would share it with you. This mod has emerged from a collaboration of Webalizer and Jack! With the new BGA control, you have an overview of all processes always in your biogas plant from PLANET-LS. No matter where you are you can see always the current levels of the bunker, the Güllegrube and the silos you. Is empty the bunker will display a warning on the screen. New feature in V 2.0 -Switch with 5 key -Several BGAs show and through switch with key 6 -Multiple silos show ... Read more
Agriculture EinsatzMap v 1.0
As many have excitement that I bring so many versions I’ve Brought Out the next map out All trigger operation As this is something for everyone wanted to farmers but also for fire enthusiasts. Built-BGA Working above ground car Sierene UVM. Download: http://fiberupload.com/8gvaia1h0umv/ENTPACKEN_!!!!!!!!.zip http://www.fileserving.com/files/SE9V4nVXGi/ENTPACKEN !!!!!!!!.zip
Grossfeld v 2 mit Headys BGA
Changes in V2: – Fixed a bug (invisible collision, hills at the dairy) – Texture changed again – Added trees – Grass texture replaced – DLC BGA BGA is removed and inserted Headys Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/KJBdSdYUZ3/Grossfeld_V2_mit_Headys_BGA.zip http://fiberupload.com/e9cg048xjnk3/Grossfeld_V2_mit_Headys_BGA.zip
By the riverside v3 Multifruit / DLC2 BGA
Foreword version 3 on the river bank / Multi Fruit & DLC2 BGAAutor: @ FunkyDie Map the riverside is a newly constructed map, based map to an emptiness of the idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media … This map is! 1to1 but not a replica with another Objeckten which corresponds approximately to the Riverside Map! This map has the standard four new fruit varieties such as … Sunflower, potato, beet, oats, rye presence is still the DLC2 BGA as a ball yard manure shredder on sale, etc.. Change in the V3! BGA Silofüllmengen ... Read more
Ledgeview Dairy Farm
Welcome to Ledgeview Farm, a small dairy farm in scenic Maine, USA. This map is based on small-scale dairy farming, and most of the fields are small-medium sized: hay, corn and pastures for the dairy farms. There are 2 small dairy farms and you can feed your cows with the BGA silo and feed bunks at the main farm using a feed mixer. You can sell your milk at the H. P. Hood plant in the southwest corner of the map. You can sell grain at the co-op to the south or the feed mill in the west. Fruits: Wheat, ... Read more
By the riverside v 3.0 Multifruit Standard BGA
Download: http://ul.to/z2driziz https://rapidshare.com/files/2455093948/Am_Flussufer_V3.zip