Tag: biogas
BGA Control

Hi guys i found this on another site and i thought i would share it with you. This mod has emerged from a collaboration of Webalizer and Jack! With the new BGA control, you have an overview of all processes always in your biogas plant from PLANET-LS. No matter where you are you can see always the current levels of the bunker, the Güllegrube and the silos you. Is empty the bunker will display a warning on the screen. New feature in V 2.0 -Switch with 5 key -Several BGAs show and through switch with key 6 -Multiple silos show ... Read more
Hollis Country v 3.0

Hollis Country V3 On the map you can find a farm, the cow pasture with a milk truck, a mill, cogeneration plant, the dairy where you can also sell the milk itself, and it hatsich settled a land trade. The card still has 16 fields, 3 pastures, a customized PDA, milk trucks and adapted trees without Colli. The size of the fields has not changed so little equipment load from the dealer. Unlike the V1 you have any cows at the beginning of the one you have weckgenommen because of BSE She now has a biogas plant. But you can ... Read more
Descriptions Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013

After the incredible success of Farming Simulator 2011 game festival Giant Software GamesCom team to remain silent about the next game of the series Farming Simulator 2013 Farming Simulator 2012 or so comments about the reputation perçinlemişti APPEARANCE. Software by giving a precise date in the Giants game today officials started a long time before the construction of shared knowledge in some game sites. Between April and September as a definite period (September-April 2012) explaining the game to launch the game officials will be also shared information about what’s new in the. Deutz Fahr Fendt and New Holland brands, and ... Read more
Glenvar v4 BGA final
This is the new version of the map Glenvar 2011. With many bug fixes, new texture, new time of growth and some improvements. An update that makes the map even more complete. Probably, this is the latest version. So, enjoy. This is the definitive, final, 2011 Glenvar map. This is a special version. With a complete biogas plant. * You do not need the DLC2 to play this map. -> New growth time -> New Texture -> The four cultures of the original game -> Graphics indicators of stored grains -> Fixed bugs -> Complete Biogas Plant Download
Mark’s map
There have been merged fields, eie biogas plant installed, the port was removed and a field statdessen angelegt.Koernermais and other types of grain can be but still in the ball BGA funktionirt verkaufen.Die shredder but you need it!: Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136136196/5a89fbb/MarksMapV4_Entpacken.zip.html
River Village
Hir is my village, Lanfer, abounding map.Ich built a fully functioning biogas plant, a few changes hir, and since done, sown fields, windmills built with features, installed a Raiffeisen the harbor, a garden center, new buildings with features and much more. The map needs to be unpacked! Thanks to all modders I’ve installed the objects and buildings I! have fun playing. (Follow the map with DLC2 BGA is.) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134984588/d404f9d/ENTPACKEN.zip.html
Medium Farming Map W/DLC 2 Biogas
Just another little map that i made.You will need to have the DLC 2 installed to play it. Has original fruits, Collidable trees so be careful (this is how i intended it to be for more of a challenge), and no starting vehicles as people like to use mods. Hope you enjoy it Credits Giants Software GMBH Map Creation- Showgunn84 Bale Shed– Swiftspeedstar General Barn & Simple Road Sections- DocOz Shed– Benie95 NewHolland Dealer- Andrew Stanford StrawMod Balestacks- Emils96 LieStock Equipment Pack 1- Deutz Fahr UK Large American Barn– Troll711 Barn– Brecht Small Hall- Fanka157 LowPoly Trees– Vanilleeis Esterhazy Mill– ... Read more