Tagged: bit


Hessenmap v 2.1

It wurde3 eineiges in contrast to the original Hessenmap changed. Complete the other court. Bga has other distributors and other sales outlets have been built and rebuilt changed the textures. It has made things...


Road network plus traffic

Since there is already quite a few road networks but without all the traffic I’ve made ​​myself even think about creating one but also with traffic. The milk truck drives Terian also must be...


Dairy Air

Manure & Liquid Manure, Milk Will be collected by Milk truck, or you can take it and sell it at the dairy yourself, Sell trigger is at the back of the dairy, Fill triger...


Swift Valley Farm

Swift Valley farm is set in the river Swift valley in the English Midlands. Its a small to medium sized map with single player and courseplay in mind. There are two farms, the main...


BaggerMap V1

MudMap V1 Completely new, not a edit. The map is based on the start map. Fruits: Wheat, Barley, Canola (Not seeded), maize, and grass. Map i3d: 10,5 mb Special effect: -Lots of mud -BGA...


Hadeland V2

Description: Hadeland is upgraded to V2 With an open silo. It is a bit steeper terrain. Fields are slightly changed. Also some changes on the farm. It’s More Open. Credits: TEAM HADELAND Stigum81 (tuttu)...