Tag: Bolko

Bolko Multifruit V3

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1339719107_8UD2auKscZywBSg4-600×450.png" alt="" title="1339719107_8UD2auKscZywBSg4" width=”600″ height=”450″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-54464″ /> Description This is a rebuild of the old Potato-Bolko. Now its ready for following Fruits: Potato Pea (I know its usually treshing harvest) Onions Carrot and Sugarbeet I have made a new skin, biger cutting-width, and increase the Fill–Amount. I\’ve tried to put a Helper in, but could\’nt get it right. (If somebody could do it, just let me know) So, it might be more for smaller Farms, or just give it a try, it works with nice animations. Have Fun! Ps.: be carefull with frontweights, otherwise you fligh..sorry, but ... Read more


Credits: Model: dziudek927 Script/inGame: sven18koehler & Burner & Bociek Skinn & Veränderungen LS Zocker 2 Skin & Veränderungen Linky Download: