Tag: Brent Avalanche
Brent Avalanche 1594 v 2.0

V2 changes: Maintenance costs in the shop added (cost per day amount to 85 €) Fire in the store added Füllmeng-45m ³ changed Price Increases it to € 72.500 Fixed Nichtmitlaufenderäder
Brent Avalanche 1594 (Homeland V2 Ready)

This is an edit of Wizznall’s Fixed for course play Brent 1594 chaser bin. Changes I made: Added: pea, sunflower, rye, oat, triticale, greenwheat, (grain plains and discharge partials) Capacity is now at 52859 (equivalent of 5000 bushels) Purchase price: $81,570 (unedited) As previous produces an error free log Credits: Model: Bigfarmer145 Texture: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw Course Play: Wizznall & Jobyrns72 Homeland Map Series: X3mperformance Additional grain planes and discharge for added “fruits”: Onelap8 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ck589580zycmkb http://www.sendspace.com/file/cfymxn
JD 8530 Half Track V0.961

Description: redesign: LUKIBOY old mod JD8530 V4 Modell: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Textur: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Script: Templaer Parts for track: New Holland CR 9090 Elevation: Wohlstandskind & yekk1 Brent Avalanche 1594JD: Outlaw Qazme fendt 936 (dirty): Boemchen road Barrier :Giants Download: JD 8530 Half Track V0.961 [Hotfile.com]
Brent Avalanche 1594
Description: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw Download: Brent Avalanche 1594 [Hotfile.com] Download: Brent Avalanche 1594 [Uploading.com]
Brent Avalanche 1594 (Red)
Description: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw Reskin: farmer9120 Download: Brent Avalanche 1594 (Red) [Hotfile.com] Download: Brent Avalanche 1594 (Red) [Uploading.com]