Tag: brewery
Cibieshire 2012 V2

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 V2 So what’s new? Well after listening to the feedback from the original release i have been busy reworking my map to correct a few issue’s members were reporting to me. 1. i have learnt myself to make a PDA so now with working PDA (Major headache). 2. i have added an extra sell point in the main yard (to the left of the maize pit) were you can sell ALL the seed from the silo’s and crops of coarse. 3.i have changed every single item’s clip distance on this map to improve the running of ... Read more
Cibieshire 2012

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 Map i3D size 13,3mb Crops Maize/Grass/Wheat/Barley…. NO Rape….repeat NO Rape. This map has been build for farmers who like to test there driving skills and not all about out right speed. it is made up of a number of bumpy narrow back lanes and tight gate ways needing a steady driving style. most fields surrounding the farm are small to medium in size but you will find a number of large to very large fields on the out skirts designed for a long haul with your pals in MP. the only place to sell your grains ... Read more
Aich_Map v 5.1

What’s new: – The selling prices were adjusted so that even when the game “medium” or money is earned. – The sale was rebuilt in Josera Bill Ingersoll land trade. – The assumption in place for grain, etc. Billinger was rebuilt, so you can unload easily with large trailers. – At the brewery, the beer sales at a filling station for the 3-axle trailer beer, expanded. – The beet and potato sales space in the harbor was rebuilt. – At the Cowzone there is now a second slurry tank for fueling the trailer. – And of course a lot of ... Read more
Or the small country
I have installed in fruits: potatoes rye oats Sunflowers beet Sales stations: -Expanding the Single Port Garden Center (manure and slurry) brewery DLC-BGA and the straw power plant BigM Milk sold to the dairy Download: http://ul.to/euka3re9 http://www.fileserving.com/files/6Q5CQkrStI/Oderlandmap_dlc.rar
Thedinghauser Map v3 Multifruit
I want to introduce to you my version of my three Thedinghauser map. It is designed to complete in addition to the new crop varieties still Standert Haffer sunflower rye turnips and potatoes are harvested cotton. The Old Mill I hingebaut removed and the site of the old brewery reaching the brewery Beck A is also available Collect the bottles, too! For the fruits of which are not MapFruits nowendig because I have intigriert in the map. So will let you sayn but not too much surprise that it is still on the map Sun Still Required Mods Fruit Type ... Read more
Hochlandmap v 1.0
There is a new unloading at the brewery, a conveyor belt manure, a straw-fired power plant and much more. Download: http://ul.to/bfteyxi1 http://depositfiles.com/files/tgocga916
Zuidwestfriesland V1.1
This map is based on the Southwest corner of Friesland. I tried to make this landscape and atmosphere of Friesland across. I spent a half year making this map. I hope this was worth it and that you enjoy in this folder will experience. In the southwest Friesland folder is much to find and do: Standard fruit + sugar beet and potatoes Dutch windmills a port BGA A dairy where you can sell your own milk A garden center where you can sell grass and maize Two farms where you can do: milk tanks stable Feeding With the car perform ... Read more
The small farmer Map
I offer a new map. Here you can plow until the doctor comes. Construction time about 180 hours I’ve tested it extensively. But only in single player, so no guarantee on multiplayer. As a fruit, there are the default locations and then sunflowers, potatoes and sugar beets. I decline to a BGA, the madness because I can not support food to burn. But you can make the Hächselgut the farmer with pigs. Also takes the grass and corn. The allotment can sell manure and manure Otherwise you can make the fruit flavors in the bakery and general store and also ... Read more
Rocky Mountain farming Map
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more
Hamelin Country
On the map it is possible to drive on the tilt. grain can be sold. at Raiffeisen in brewery, Eifok–country trade and the Raiffeisen FertilizerMod is installed. Fertilizer can be picked up there. BGA with Heady’s scripts. Here is the MapWeightstationMod installed. Milk truck traffic and driving. . (Thanks farmer’s grandson) extra space for greenhouses DLC3 fields. 10x corn, wheat, 8x, 7x barley, canola 8x, 7x fenced grass pastures (with Collision!) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132067191/cd386bd/HamelnerLand_by_EIFOK.zip.html