Tag: Bridge
Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams ... Read more
Mini bridge for ditch streams v 1.0
Small bridge to cross from the ditch and streams. Download: http://ul.to/kkvf7a4r http://depositfiles.com/files/w3eneiz5h
Craven Lodge Farm V2
fencing and clutter: sangroper Weigh station: Tubbz fuel tank, cattle grid, crop unloading ramp, water tank: willjsavage Bale shed: Dalaid/farmerl earnvale tractors: andrew stanford stone walls cattle shed: wiliam 7530 Road Bridge; Tonio87 Roads: goldpower600 Manure tubes: janlandby New Fruits added by jb3pc4sale bale shredder: me Download: http://ul.to/eyti9nho
Wortham Farm
Base map: Ace-uk Corn texture: badlanz79 Sim3.09S Covered Bridge: canadianfarmer Bridge: mothee Stone bridge: dodo27 Potato cistern: Renting Modding Multi silo: Maca Mates house: Wizznall L Manure pipes: Axel_of_Sweden pioneer seed: jb3pc4sale Header Store: Gamesnaper objects: Gaxi / FSGAXI radio masts: RTK-LS milk mod: Acert Download: http://ul.to/he9dess4
Meadow Farm Revisited
Big thanks to geertyb0y for testing Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Clutter / Water mods: sandgroper Yard Building Kit: milk mod by Acert Lmanuremod: Janlandby, Acert Grain Unloading ramps and cattle grid: willjsavage Spot lights: Showgunn84 Cow shed: model-wiliam 7530/deutz fahr uk Silage Pit V2: ... Read more
Base map: Giants, Ace-uk. some signs: Geertyb0y Root belt: bennieboy53 cattle grid/water tank: willjsavage Bale Shed/textures: Farmerl, Dalaid earnvale tractors: andrew stanford weighstation: Psyco cow shed, small bale shed, potato box, feed ring: Deutz Fahr UK manure pipe: Axel_of_Sweden trees: Vanilleeis Bridge: Tonio87 clutter/fencing: Sandgroper houses: dodo27, duarn, ar1g3, Janhenrik map objects: fsgaxi, Me Some buildings: Griffydam Double store: jd8430t Feed barrier: damo shop: wizznall trees: Vanilleeis shredder/loading pit/storage sheds: Discoade Grass textures: polishmods Many thanks to anyone ive missed. Let me know and i’ll add your name. Download: http://ul.to/u0y6mymg