Tag: bugs
Universal Bale Trailer v2

MP Ready, blue and gray color. Fixed some “bugs” (wheels in fly, no shadow some parts,etc..) Capacity: 45 big square bales 33 round bales 80 normal square bales 278 small square bales Credits Universal Bale Trailer v2 by Bassaddict, edit surciHUN
Frontier/John deere Rc2084

This is a Rotary mower Its Hp requirement is 45-90 It weighs 1100Lb You must attach the Pto to your tractor by walking to the Pto area and pressing Q This is a V1.0 If there are any bugs Please post them in the support topic A great tractor to operate it is the modteams ford force pack. Enjoy! Please do not upload nor edit this mod with out modding unlimited permssion Credits Modding unlimited Team Me for the model Team for help and testing
Camden Valley Beta

Dear Farmers, Proud i can show you my newest map: Camden Valley. About the map; This is a hilly large map, It contains everything you need to play. The most parts are detailed. I can tell you; This map is has it all. Cows, Silo’s, Storage places, Village, Sellpoint, Everything you need! There’s also a highway you can use with trucks or other vehicles. It’s a beta version; Some bugs / wrong things i saw: – Milking machine has double texture’s – Some potato’s fields around the farm has been mixed with blackberry. Farm: – Tractors shed – Farmhouse with ... Read more
REMARK CITY BUS FOR EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR ——————————————— This is a conversion of the city bus from Bus Driver. Enjoy! INSTALLATION ———— Copy the ‘Remark City Bus.scs’ to your Euro Truck Simulator mod folder. In game the bus replaces the Volvo FH16 C Class. If you want to change this feel free :D INFO —- Performance is the same as the Volvo C class, so its resonably economical. It costs £96,000 so you can buy it from scratch (I suggest you do except keep in mind it can’t tow any loads) This will be fixed in an upcoming large scale ... Read more
I want to introduce you to combine many farmers who will work to accelerate and facilitate the field work. Claas 540 redesigned with multi-fruit minnow. With the same minnow taking all kinds of standard fruit (like corn) Combine works without bugs only deficiency that has, no AP. You’ll need to drive yourself the field, but we do not have to baled hay. Thanks to all who download this mod and happily. Price is real :-)
NeptunZ413 V2
Sugar beet and potato harvester. Tank capacity: 4500 Fantastic mod and works without bugs. Price in shop: 600 $ ls (real) Warmly recommended to download I only upload: :-) Credits: author: sven18koehler & Burner & Bociek Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?83d53o5py31utkk http://www.sendspace.com/file/nowzg7
Community mountain sheep v 2.1
hir my nuestes update the community Hannelsberg map Fixed some errors and fixed what’s new: The yard was expanded again with a mast for operation where you can unload corn and wheat! the bga has ausensilolage be first! MapViewer renewed and PDA! beginning of the wildlife trade has been built with the butchery has closed yet! further errors and bugs have been fixed! Download: http://ul.to/uuz44o9w http://depositfiles.com/files/0e6490esh
Seasons Mod
WELL, Here is the HIGHLY SECRET PROJECT that the scripters of AE have been workin for awhile!! We have created a seasons script, this mod will start in spring(planting season) go into summer (watch for crop damage, drought, bugs, etc.) then fall (you will need to get your crops out) winter (will KILL all crops except wheat) TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN THIS MOD! scripts included in the mod spring.lua summer.lua fall.lua winter.lua loweryield.lua damage.lua UNZIP FILE!! PLEASE READ THE TX FILE FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS!! We busted are butts to bring this out for everyone, is was very difficult, BUT we ... Read more
QuickCamera v0.9(beta)
Description: What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse… So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce “quick-tap keys” for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Basically if you quick-tap the ‘Look Left’ key, the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for ‘Look Right’. To look backwards, quick-tap the ‘Look Down’ key, and forward is ... Read more
Glenvar v4 BGA final
This is the new version of the map Glenvar 2011. With many bug fixes, new texture, new time of growth and some improvements. An update that makes the map even more complete. Probably, this is the latest version. So, enjoy. This is the definitive, final, 2011 Glenvar map. This is a special version. With a complete biogas plant. * You do not need the DLC2 to play this map. -> New growth time -> New Texture -> The four cultures of the original game -> Graphics indicators of stored grains -> Fixed bugs -> Complete Biogas Plant Download