Tag: buildings
Woodhouse Farm
start Map-pfreek Woodhouse farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings- LS-UK Modteam objects-LS-UK Modteam Download: http://ul.to/zr8fvwpd
Woodhouse Farm_EDIT
start Map-pfreek Woodhouse farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings- LS-UK Modteam objects-LS-UK Modteam Editer: Magne14 Download: http://ul.to/tpsvscnv
Pine Country
Giants software buildings by Venom low poly trees by Vanilleeis baleshredder by Gas Station by LS-Landtechnik Team signs by Tyler Burgess header storage by Gamesnaper roads by wohlstandskind American Dairy barn by map editing by Showgunn84 Download: http://ul.to/dpx16sn5
Lakepeak Cattle Farm v4
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Jellebie34 for the idea and Reef for the help. Thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Wolfheart, Venom and Axel of Sweden for the buildings. Also thanks to Tyler Burgess for the bridge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136896224/5f8354d/Lakepeak_Cattle_Farmv4.zip.html
Brandt Farms
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the grain drier Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder jd8430t for the bale shedsand finally the American mod team for beta testing Download: http://ul.to/qrk8j7r4
Dad\’s Farm
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda map Download: http://ul.to/7me40ih3
Brandt Farms v1.1
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the grain drier Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder jd8430t for the bale sheds And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda and traffic fix and finally the American mod team for beta testing Download: http://ul.to/unqpedd0
shire valley map v2
bob81 for helping with the BGA ian_c for being a good help and good advice. acert for the milk mod and dave_p for the upload. and all lsuk members that made the buildings thx and keep them coming Download: http://ul.to/cypkmd0l
Northland 3 Final Edition
GIANTS sample Mod Map edit by Northwolf Is modified full map,new buildings,villages,new buying. Added ball shredder and working sawmill. You cann sell barley and wheat in Watermill. NB: NEEDS A GOOD COMPUTER,weak computer it is mapp strong lag or bad works. Download: http://ul.to/h0jqdbkm
Farmilan Tila
Beni95(me)for map. Credits for buildings:Wizznall,Venom,Wolfheart,troll771, Juketsu,geertyb0y,countypower, cadaverule,willjsavage,jartsa84 Download: http://ul.to/z2t4m1ci