Tag: Bull
Case SkidSteer Loader pimped by ModhosterTeamWerkstatt v2.0

This is an SkidSteer Loader from CASE built in 1985. He was switched to Farming Simulator from the Demolition Company by PeterJ. Permission for improving and upload on ls-uk is available. The modhosterTeam decided to improve the little loader and gave him a new High Tipp Bucket from the Team “Wodka-Bull24” too. Permission for the Bucket is also available. We improved the following: – Scale 1:1 – Engine Sound – Drinving Behavior (drive carefully with a fully loaded Bucket he can tilt like the original) – Hydraulik Sound – High tipp Bucket for the SkidSteer (so you can load almost ... Read more
John Deere 9630T v2.0

Here I have a John Deere 9630T for you. What’s new: weight Warning signs Lighting V3.1 Logo now 9630T -log errors removed -reflective removed -1:1 What he has: Rotating Beacon -fully animated chains for tracked vehicle driveability in Ls I have not geschaft (who can can sign up) Physics errors and warnings because of the chains (or so) in the log (but does not affect the game) Fits well with the Lemko Giant 12/1000 Rubin9 Bull Gore. He may not be re-uploaded using ori DL link would be nice if the link would appear to Ls-quality! Thank you
Community mountain sheep v2.0 ohne DLC

hir now revised the mountain sheep map. It was again revised complete and new retailers and pure play have been added. The municipality has therefore give them the edge strip of the avenue to keep suber as for road workers have no money there. Nod was blocked by milk Acert New ABG with flat Silostar New country store and a mill and hoop iron for the subsoil angregungen bite a PM will then see what can I do in the V3. The Veröfentlichen the map with orignal DL WHAT THE CONVERSION OF THE MAP IS CONCERNED! IT IS PROHIBITED BY ... Read more
Fliegl Bull TDK 371
Modell: steyr1 Textur: Face Script: Face Tuning: MadMax Umbau : Kyosho Download: http://ul.to/khiervbj http://uploading.com/files/83a55fa1/FlieglBull371.zip/
Fendt Big Bull
Reworked Big Bull of 2009 to Ls 2011 Ls by Logiasus Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129270678/cc8c50c/Fendt_BigBull.zip.html
John Deere 6530
Description: Modell: ValtraN111 Textures: ValtraN111 InGame: ValtraN111 Script: Fendt 939 Red Bull Download: John Deere 6530 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 6530 [Uploading.com]
Mengele Silo Bull
Description: Mod by Larry LS 2011 Ready by Spider100 Download: Mengele Silo Bull [Hotfile.com] Download: Mengele Silo Bull [Uploading.com]