Tag: cadaveruk
Limerick Map

this map is based on an area in county limerick in the south of ireland.this map has no milk truck or running traffic and i also set it to have no animals.the map has 1 pit which accepts maize/grass/wheat as chaff as there the only crops the farmer cuts.there is also 1 minure tank and 1 minure pit and a bale shed if you want to do some bales.the farm has no farm house as the farmer lives away from the farm yard where he stores his crops. Fruits : grass maize wheat Credits 10 different hedges by johan12 lowpolytrees ... Read more

This is a medium sized map, which is at the momment version1, version 2 will follow with the other side of the water, becoming a bio-gas area,for DLC2, this side has a main farm to the west, cow meadow, in the middle, little farm to the east,grain mill and shop to the northeast, the PDA map works ok, sorry could’nt get milk truck to work this time, but I have put milk mod in, suupose it give you extra stuff to do, fields are well shaped and sized, and hilly in places, you will have to go around the fields ... Read more
My map

this is my first attemp at a map,this map is not based on any particular area its just something i made up myself… there are many fields which contain maize/grass/wheat and barley there is no traffic or milk truck and the map isnt mp ready Fruits *Maize *Wheat *Barley *Rape No other crops, just original Credits: 10 different hedges by johan12 simple road sections by DocOz fuel tank by willjsavage silage berg by moneyman tire tracks by countypower maize in rows by legebarn real life corn texture by Sim3.09s british sheds by farmercal96 Machine shed by roni empty map by ... Read more
Irish Farm
Buildings-modteam Objects and gates- Deutz fahr UK Small clamp-griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk Please pm me if I have forgot anybody Download: http://ul.to/43k2wlh3
West cork farm
Credits: Buildings- LS–UK Modteam Objects and gates– Deutz fahr UK Small clamp–griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk slurry pit v2 : farmer54- ar1g3 jama: maca swedish fences : ceema watermud: fendtmeister road peices: sniper214 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126890415/b543bbd/West_Cork_Farms.zip.html
Welcome To Indiana
Credits: dodo27 for farm shop and roads cadaveruk for base map and triggers sandgroper for diesel tank, sheds, and ranch fencing johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 for silageberg ls2012fan for new corn texture slopoke7166 for helping with the Oats. (Thanks. Big help!) dexter buchman for some of the farm ideas Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124639283/787553a/Welcome_To_Indiana.zip.html