Tag: capacity
Giants v 1.0

Here for you a top Multifruit trailer with a load capacity of 300to available in red, black, white ausmeiner collection. Credits: Ich allein
Fliegl TDK v 2.0

Loading capacity: 17820l Price: € 21,587 80 € / day Credits: sk8mike John Deere 6430-ger menontop Thuruk
Lexion 770 Pack v 2 Claas Lexion 770 V 2.0 in Standard Farbe

Lexion 770 – Animated grain tank – ESLimiter – Lighting V31 – Level Warning at 80% grain tank – Switchable between shredding and windrowing – 4 x 4 – Duals switched – Max. Forward speed 30 km / h – Reversing over ESLimiter adjustable – Grain tank capacity 20 tons – 380,000 euros – Cutting 12m – Reel lift, lower and – Laser Folding – 28,000 euros – Conspeed 1200 – 28,000 euros – Header trailer 12m – With beacon – 18,000 euros Credits: Mauermatze Defender Shangri66 RSAntilles Big-M-lord & FRANK CADILLAC sven777b
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

[gallery link=”file”] That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for ... Read more
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA
That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for a higher ... Read more
Lemken 27 MTS
A massive seeder perfect for large tracts of land.It seeds all major fruits with an capacity of 9 tons and is nearly 27 metres in width. IT IS A COMPLETE RESKIN OF PRONTO27 IN LEMKEN COLOURS. Credits GIANTS SOFT RESKIN-ls2011e
Maz 200B & Maz 205 Pack
Welcome back to John Deere equipment! If your looking for trucks we have got exactly what you need right here the Maz 200B and the Maz 205! They are the best trucks around with features like: Maz 200B/Maz 205 Multiplayer Supported Moving Gauges Opening Doors/Windows Multifruit (Wheat Barley, Rape, Maize, Chaff, Grass, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, carrots, Sunflower & Sand) Blinkers/Hazard Lights Moving Switches Vibrating Engine Opening Engine Panels Addable Spare Tires Manual Ignition Cabin Lighting Very Detailed Brake Lights Moving Shifters Dim/Bright Lights Maz 200B Trailer Capacity: 12,000 MAZ 205 Trailer Capacity: 7,000 MAZ 205 Cost: $90,000 MAZ 200B Cost: ... Read more
Amazone Big dog Seeder
A large surface seeder.It supports all major seeds with a 6000 litre capacity tank.It is completely reskinned in amazone citan colors and new washable skin.Use it with any tractor but try it behind an articulated tractor and u will see it leaves no empty spots at headland turns in helper mode. IT IS THE HORSCH BIG DOG SEEDER WITH AMAZONE SKIN AND NEW WASHABLE DIRT COLOR Credits Modell: Giants Soft Animation: Dietschnnorbert Askari
Remolques Agrobellon
Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side tipper 1:1 Features: Animated chocks Removable tarpaulin body 46 470 liters capacity Lighting V3.1 (Sven777b) fruits: original and potatoes,Carrots,sugarbeet Credits Modell: Kyosho script: fruktor