Tag: car
TrafficColliFix v 1.0 Beta

Fixes the bug that deleted AI Traffic Vehicle not be removed from the Collisions counter. The helpers are simply no longer remain after a car was in the way and it was deleted from Ls, but make their work as normal. The funktionirt not only the workers but also with normal Curse Play. No installation needed with GE and must not be bought. The TrafficColliFix.zip just copy the modfolder.
Caravan v2.0
Here is a trailer that can relax the farmer also stressed. The car is Logfehler free. I installed something nice let me surprise you. Have fun with it.
Machine garage
This is normal size Machine garage. Here you can drive in 2 or 3 tractor and one car. You can place it on your map with Giants Edito.
Citroen c15 V2 by juangb
Hello, I present my latest edition of the c15, since the first version was heavy for a car, this would have reduced more than half, this consisting of the same as the v1 This includes: – Flashing lights with buttons 1-2-3 – Apply and remove rotary key 5 – Apply and remove special transportation cartel approved. – H horn button also has front and rear hitch for towing either. nothing else I hope you like and enjoy, juangb. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?82hqpkkpf972n0m http://www.sendspace.com/file/moo6xm
Agriculture EinsatzMap v 1.0
As many have excitement that I bring so many versions I’ve Brought Out the next map out All trigger operation As this is something for everyone wanted to farmers but also for fire enthusiasts. Built-BGA Working above ground car Sierene UVM. Download: http://fiberupload.com/8gvaia1h0umv/ENTPACKEN_!!!!!!!!.zip http://www.fileserving.com/files/SE9V4nVXGi/ENTPACKEN !!!!!!!!.zip
Future car by Valentin
Future car by Valentin Credits: by Valentin Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xpwqjnjfnyfm0o1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/szypoe