Tag: CAT
CAT Lexion 480R

sehr guter MÄDRESCHER ich will nicht so viel verraten lasst euch einfach überraschen Download: http://ul.to/msi438w8
CAT 900 MT Challenger Special

Wenn ihr andere Farbwünsche hättet, wendet euch an mich, ich mache euch JEDEN Traktor andersfarbig! Download: http://ul.to/emrczp68
Caterpillar Lexion 770 Terra Trac BLAU

Das ist ein umgeskinnter CAT Lexion 770 TT. Die Farben sind Blau bisHellblau. Die *.zip muss entpackt werden und die beiden Ordner (Lexion 770 + Vario 1200) müssen in den Mods Ordner verschoben werden. Das Gerät verügt über Blinklicht (Pos1) und Hupe (0) und ist außerdem Multiplayer fähig. Download: http://ul.to/32iazf4e

This is the CAT D9G crawler tractor for you This version can compress the silo on the DLC 2 BGA very quickly I have adjusted the weight of the original and the caterpillars are no longer hanging in the air Download: http://ul.to/xjgyv03b
Bob cat tracksteer edit
Bobcat by Maniek Terra Trac by shangri66 LS11 and Trackversion by usxi7sd and edit my robbiet09 Download: http://ul.to/j0xt4qzc http://uploading.com/files/mcbm7743/BobcatTrack.zip/
New Holland T9060 with hydraulic tail
Orginal Model: balogh 2003 Textur: balogh 2003 Model CAT: bigfarmer 145 Reifen Agrotron 130 Ingame Tuning: DI-RAZOR Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135887387/57656e6/NH9060.zip.html
Author: Snapper (with some reuse of other’s work, see below for details) Credits: Sincere thanks and credit to the following people for their works and their generous permission to use them: – Some components from CAT Backhoe model and script by Zippo (with permission) – Outer wheel rims by Scar Man (Google Sketchup Warehouse) (with permission) – Trelleborg TM800 Tyres by Ago–Systemtech ( – rpmLimiter, handThrottle, and manualIgnition scripts by Templaer – Back bucket by Zippo & Nemesis (edit by Snapper) – Front bucket by Giants (edit by Snapper) Copyright information: This model is free to use and edit for ... Read more
CAT 900 MT Challenger MTC
Manuel Leithner zippo Templaer Sven777b edit by Martin94 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135717842/ada5652/CAT_900_MT.zip.html
Modder: lukibou Edit: LiL_d87 Textur: Jão Francisco Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135717707/a7dd160/CATchallengerLB01.zip.html
Author: Snapper (with some reuse of other’s work, see below for details) Credits: Sincere thanks and credit to the following people for their works and their generous permission to use them: – Some components from CAT Backhoe model and script by Zippo (with permission) – Outer wheel rims by Scar Man (Google Sketchup Warehouse) (with permission) – Trelleborg TM800 Tyres by Ago–Systemtech – rpmLimiter, handThrottle, and manualIgnition scripts by Templaer – Back bucket by Zippo & Nemesis (edit by Snapper) – Front bucket by Giants (edit by Snapper) Copyright information: This model is free to use and edit for your ... Read more