Tag: cause

CARS FOR TRAFFIC STREET MAP ACCER edited to cause skidding accidents sign and move forward roll can be used on any map Credits: MODELS: victortg12yer ianstonne theaylton SCRIPT: Author Headshot XXL edited victortg12yers INGAME: TESTED BY TGGROUP the original American game farmsimulator2011
Barn pack

this is my own version of a open barn, it has a 7′ breeze block wall with wooded lats all around for light input, and a green tin roof texture as this fit’s most farming map’s, I have made 2 the big one is 90′ x 65′ and the small one is 90′ x 30′, the floor texture is just asphalt, but if you wish to change any of these, it’s up to you’s, please PLEASE keep all the mod’s I upload to the original site, ls-uk.info. thanks for using this if you download and enjoy. Credits: credit’s will start ... Read more
NewHolland TM 130

This is an edit of ValtraN111’s TM 120. all i have done is re skinned the tractor and tweaked about with the model of it to improve it to personal teased. iv made it manly cause there was lack of small new hollands that could run the feeder wagon so i created this one. Hope you have fun. Functions: beacons: R Rear work lights: 6 front work lights: 7 Starter moter: 5 duel wheels front: 8 Duel wheels back: 9 Hazardous and winkers are numpad: num1/num 2/num3 Credits: modell:ValtraN111 Textures:ValtraN111 ingame:ValtraN111 script:peter and Henly20 beakon:Freddy lights:sven777b edit: CraigP145
NewHolland TM150
This is A 1999 model TM150 made just before they changed the side badge in 2000. its a good tractor for medium size farms to small. it has a standerd driving scrip all tho i plan to bring out another TM soon with more to it. so yea in joy. P.S sorry for bad video quality as i didn’t no quite how best to film it Credits: CraigP145: most of the tractor. Paul R: done the running scrips to it. now cause it dose look simulor to SamN’s tm i was advised by the LS-UK team to mention him and ... Read more
Grass Silage Map V1 By Sakumiis
Ok I have a grass silage map by sakumiis this is his map and my friend bigdog12 said i could upload this mod for him cause he was afraid of getting kicked off of the site. well this map consists of 7 big grass field u can plant corn and chop it for silage u can sell your foraged grass at the cattle looking building thing and u can dump the foraged grass in the grass pit and you can also put the chopped corn into the silage berg it is multi–player compatible. Credits: Most of the models aren‘t made ... Read more
QuickCamera v0.9(beta)
Description: What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse… So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce “quick-tap keys” for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Basically if you quick-tap the ‘Look Left’ key, the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for ‘Look Right’. To look backwards, quick-tap the ‘Look Down’ key, and forward is ... Read more
My Test Map
! IMPORTANT! THI IS ONLY A test map! and my first This is just a test so YOUR me what I wrote in the comments on my HAUPTMAP (which I’ll create when I have enough ideas) can make. So please write ideas in the comments.) She has no great cause! I’ve just done something on the farm and the cow pasture and some of the landscape (mountains and Bäüme). Please do not evaluated! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/133104374/fc36309/meinetestmap.zip.html
Hawk Hills Map V.1 by Mickr4
Description: Forest/campaign type: 12+fruits, the 4 normal + potatos, green wheat, SugarBeet, sunflower, cotton, SoyBean, pea, oat. Lot of vegetation, forestry area, great atmosphere airplane + traffic + boats, the pda work perfectly, you can store/sell all the available crops, there is 4 selling places where you can sell almost everything as well to buy gaz, fertilizer and seeds. Easy to find your way around cause it’s based on the original map but almost unrecognizable now. Lots of re-texturing to be prettier ad to be done. Highly likely to overpower weak computer sry for that but that’s the price of ... Read more