Tag: cereals
Dirksmap v 1.0

have times the standard map changes, it is now smaller, everything takes place near the lake, s from, fertile sites are the normal, cow pasture, hollen milk only myself, water mill will also cereals and canola, wheat and a BAG is also it … whether they funzt I have not tried, sorry if the hofplatten in the so-flickers do not know how man can change the … The DLC2 brings nothing .. here is somewhere in the mountains … :-) :: MUCH SPA? Download: http://ul.to/vkm00eal http://www.fileserving.com/files/KMfbNh6mAm/sampleModMap.zip

Have times the standard map changes, it is now smaller, everything takes place near the lake, s from, fertile sites are the normal, cow pasture, hollen milk only myself, water mill will also cereals and canola, wheat and a BAG is also it … whether they funzt I have not tried, sorry if the hofplatten in the so-flickers do not know how man can change the … The DLC2 brings nothing .. here is somewhere in the mountains … :-) :: MUCH SPA? Download: http://ul.to/92jbqf3r
FS 11 Map v6 by wopito

FS 11 Map v6 by wopito -The new map, which has been modified from the original game map. A varied and hilly terrain. Upper and lower fields. The original grain in addition to two other cereals: Potato and SugarBeet -Dlc2BGA -One of the sales outlet in the middle of the map -The two farms -The original place for cattle -For all cereals own silos -A lot of fields, of different sizes, flat and hilly. -Some of the fields are plowed ready -PDA-map update -Includes the PDA map where you can see what you get for each grain is. Installation: -Export ... Read more
Farming Simulator 2011 Map
-Edited from the Original Map -Varied terrain and a lot of fields of different sizes -In addition to the original grain: Cotton, Greenwheat, Potato, Soybean, Sugarbeet and Sunflower -All cereals own silos -2 Sale takes place, which may be sold to any other products, but not manure -PDA Map Updated Installation: Disassemble / take FarmingSimulator_11_Map_v4_by_wopito.zip package, the FS_11_Map_v4_by wopito.zip and Map_Fuits.zip Package your game mod folder Download: http://ul.to/2g3hdyiv http://freakshare.com/files/8jzj4d63/FS11_Map_v4.zip.html