Tagged: chaff


Old Road Farm

This is an edit of Orchard Farm.  It is all grass and maize as it is a silage map.  There is 2 yards, some of the fields are pretty big so you will need...


Fliegl DDK 240

here is version 2 of the mod pack Fliegl DDK 240v1, the program of new features andanimation pack and became multifruits. observation; – [This is version 2 of this pack Fliegl DDK 240, with...


SCHMITZ SKI 50 v 1.0

A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ! Lifting capacity 50000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo...


DoC Map 01

Changelog: – Anbauprodukte: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais, Gras, Kartoffeln, Zuckerrüben und Sonnenblumen – Güterverkehrsprodukte: Molkereiprodukte, Fleischereierzeugnisse – Felder: 9 , Teilweise bepflanzt – Wachstumsphase von der Aussaat bis zur vollständigen Reife eine Stunde bei...


Beco Super 1800

Here’s a Beco Super 1800, It can haul the following fruittypes: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, fertilizer, potato & sugarbeet. By R&R modding from LSPortal.nl In corporation with EJBFarming & Tonny. http://hotfile.com/dl/137563677/c30e913/beco1800.zip.html


JollyFarm V2.1

Original map : Giants Jollyfarm edit : dr-uptown greenhouses : Sandgroper/dr-uptown BGA-scripts : Heady farmsilos grass/chaff : Jimkerk signs : Knuuud/Solanz included mods : their original modders Download: http://ul.to/1vdwxunt