Chain drive Lexion 600 770 TT v 1.0
Even a Lexion got to run chain drive. Not only the roles and the tape runs with now.It is from LS11 Credits: Script Terra Trac shangri66 Giants
Even a Lexion got to run chain drive. Not only the roles and the tape runs with now.It is from LS11 Credits: Script Terra Trac shangri66 Giants
Thank you for downloading this mod. You can pull vehicles out with this chain. It is really realistic because it is on the ground when you buy it instead of floating in the air....
Schneeketten selbst hinzugefügt Schneeketten von Credits: Ketting: Giants software SRS Klaar: Fendt-939 Credits: Kette: Software Giants SRS Ready: Fendt 939 Credits: Chain: Software Giants SRS Ready: Fendt 939 Download: