Tag: City
Kimadan 20T liquid trailer v 1.0

Credits: Modell: daniel11/818vario Texture / Ingame: Tobii / Jorgen Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Animations Edit by Mario Reskin: DenOmania Edit: DenOmania_LSmods.dk Washable: Binds Boel Converted to FS 2013 City C / M Modding

REMARK CITY BUS FOR EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR ——————————————— This is a conversion of the city bus from Bus Driver. Enjoy! INSTALLATION ———— Copy the ‘Remark City Bus.scs’ to your Euro Truck Simulator mod folder. In game the bus replaces the Volvo FH16 C Class. If you want to change this feel free :D INFO —- Performance is the same as the Volvo C class, so its resonably economical. It costs £96,000 so you can buy it from scratch (I suggest you do except keep in mind it can’t tow any loads) This will be fixed in an upcoming large scale ... Read more
City Block
City block is a huge map object with lots going for it. to start we have a warehouse where you can store grain pallets,bales,ect.. there is also a loading dock so you can put your bales or pallets right onto your trailers. as we move on down the road we have grass and trees. we also added some phones if you need to make a call. as we go down the road we have a construction zone where they are building a ace hardware. as you can see the frame is almost done but make sure to stay clear unless ... Read more
City Bus VOLVO
watchtalker Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?t6qruxn9251fyl8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/2qcrmu
City Tower
Credits: Axelschweis (lagerhausbauer) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123640128/ce15eea/City_Tower.rar.html
Romanian Map 0.3.5 for ETS
Introduction: -edit city -make road Sibiu ->;Pitesti -edit road Sibiu ->Brasov New Roads & Edit City. Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: Made by Ovidiu, Edit by dvd truck 【Download】: Romanian_Map_0.3.5.rar (47.01 MB)
ITALY Map 2011 for GTS
Introduction: ITALY Map 2011 for GTS Tested in GTS 1.04. Contains New Roads, Textures, City‘s Traffic, Buildings and Others Install: put scs file into your mod directory after extraction. Credits: Made by VeVe Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/118907001/3e728f6/ITALY.Map.2011.For.GTS.By.VeVe.rar.html (185.36 MB)