Claas Jaguar 870 Pack (Manual Spout)
Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function...
Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function...
ESLimiter-(Pageup and Pagedn) OperatingHours-(Hours on the Forager) WheelDirtSpecialization-(Creates Tire Tracks) WheelParticle-(Creates Dust) Washable-(Now Gets Drity) BeleuchtungV31-(Now Has working brake,turn,warning,independent worklights) ExhaustParticleSystem-(Creates Extra Smoke From Exaust) LEDLightbarV2-(Key Home) New-Sound New-Skin New-Wheels (Also in the pack...
Jaguar 980 Model: Claasveet81 Reflections skin: RSAntilles Pu 300 HD Modell: Bigfarmer145 und MAurUS Textur (AO): MAurUS Script: Geri-G, Giants Claas Orbis 750 Model: Unbekannt Texture(AO): MAurUS Script: Giants, Mr. F Download:
Credits: Desperados93 Download:
Description: In the Package: Fendt 930TMSv2_AP Claas Jaguar 890 Claas Orbis Schneidwerke Gewicht mit zuschaltbaren Warntafeln Hawe SLW_45_red Download: Washable Silage Pack [] Download: Washable Silage Pack []
Description: Jaguar 980 Model und Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka,Giants CLAASVEET81 by mod-scheune Edit: Neiss LS11: Kleener–Putzi Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi DirectDisc 520, 610 Copyrights: Model und Textur: ? LS11 ready: Neiss...
Description: Jaguar 980 Model und Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka,Giants CLAASVEET81 by mod-scheune Edit: Neiss LS11: Kleener–Putzi Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi DirectDisc 520, 610 Copyrights: Model und Textur: ? LS11 ready: Neiss...
Description: Jaguar 980 by Claasveet81 LS2011 Kleener–Putzi Edit/Umbau: Vooki Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi