Tag: console
Morning fog v1.0

[gallery link=”file”] Mod contains two versions of the fog: – File MorningFog_dynamic.zip – dynamic version, the density of the morning fog is changing every day or fog does not occur at all – File MorningFog_static.zip – fog occurs every morning and always looks the same Select your preferred version and paste it into the “mods” folder. WARNING! Do not paste both versions, the mod will not work properly. Files from the “sky” folder paste into “X:game_directorydatasky”, where X and game_directory is the drive letter and folder where you installed the game. WARNING! Dynamic version is dependent on day of the ... Read more
IHC 1055

This, on request from the adjuster of the first models of this tractor we have improved it a bit. Were made because the rear hydraulic lift arms had they not, the wings were closed at the back towards the wheel. It was built and installed an IHC front weights superimposable Stoll FL console. Front loading is included in the package. The rear window was installed Animated and other wheels and rims and the interior redesigned slightly. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?aqw5f6mc63dtg5s http://www.sendspace.com/file/b4oo35
John Deere 7530 Premium 1:1

I can start by telling you that this mod is scaled 1:1. For those of you who have tried the original Modcontest 7530, probably know that it has a bug that dosn’t let you use more than two tools. The way I saw it, it created the bad allocation in length. But the bug is now fixed after careful testing, both multiplayer and single player. The things I’ve done with this trakor are: – Cabsuspension – New front axle, suspended and animated – Changed the tires – Mounted twin beacons – Added lightsAddon V3.1 – Scaled to 1:1 – Rescaled ... Read more
QuickCamera v0.9(beta)
Description: What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse… So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce “quick-tap keys” for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Basically if you quick-tap the ‘Look Left’ key, the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for ‘Look Right’. To look backwards, quick-tap the ‘Look Down’ key, and forward is ... Read more
IHC 1455 Xl FH FL
Hi, hir ein convertierter ihc für euch. Er hatt eine frontlader console und fronthydraulick. ansonsten sind auch noch einige extras. Er hatt nen geilen sound. Es gelten die üblich gesetze für den link, nich erneut und verändert hochladen!! Download: http://ul.to/53i66l6g