Tag: containers
BECO Econoom 40 000 containers

Credits: Makers van de Agroline voor de basis. EJBFarmingBV Model en textuur. http://www.LSPortal.nl Modteam. Keep original link! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134677244/68ced41/BECOContainer40000.zip.html
BigBag + Lifter

Description: Scripts by Dzanito and Manuel Leithner Lifter and Bigbags by Fullpowershift + Bayn Containers from Hakenlift2011 Edited by omadisha Download: BigBag + Lifter [Hotfile.com] Download: BigBag + Lifter [Uploading.com]
Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers

Description: Model: Scania: GTS. Wheels: Lipa & VMarci (ScaniaT164V2) HKL & Script: Hoschiander. Original LS08 HKL by steyr1 & Face HKL conversion by Repi Scania edit and textures+pc by kott_huvud Convert to LS11:irakls Download: Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers [Uploading.com]