Tag: control panel
Case International 1594 mod

Description Case International 1594 By opelman I has realease permit from him. This Case Ih is very good on ploughing. This Mod has next functions: Ploughing specs. Washable, powerShaftAttacher, Dynamic Exhaust particle, Wheelparticles, Interactive control panel, Wheel tracks, ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, openable windows, Switchable 2×2 Traction, Drive direction Change, hours, press \”5\” to 2×2 Traction on/off press \”6\” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press \”7\” to put on or remove weights press \”8\” to put on right dual wheel press \”9\” to put on left dual wheel press O to ... Read more
Case International 1594

Case International 1594 By opelman I has realease permit from him. This Case Ih is very good on ploughing. This Mod has next functions: Ploughing specs. Washable, powerShaftAttacher, Dynamic Exhaust particle, Wheelparticles, Interactive control panel, Wheel tracks, ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, openable windows, Switchable 2×2 Traction, Drive direction Change, hours, press “5” to 2×2 Traction on/off press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to put on right dual wheel press “9” to put on left dual wheel press O to change ... Read more
Tebbe HS 180 v2.1
Funktionen: Standart Streufunktionen Animierte Rückwand Rückwand kann in 3 Stufen nach oben gefahren werden (dadurch ändert sich: Streubreite, Kratzbodengeschwindigkeit, Particlesystem und wie viel pro Sec. raus kommt) Animierte Klappe Animierte Teller & Walzen Anmierter Kratzboden Sperrbare Lenkachse Anmierter Stützfuß “Animierte” Hydraulikschläuche (gehen beim Ankuppeln in richtung Schlepper) Unterlegkeile 2 verschiedene Planen (beladen, entladen) Control Panel ( geht beim ankuppeln auf Schlepper (mit IC !), HUD zum bedinen muss per Taste aufgerufen werden ) Holzaufbau zum an und abbauen ( ohne 16,5 m², mit 18 m² ) Rundumleuchte Rundumleuchte demontieren/montieren Waschbar Zapfwelle Particlesystem bei den Walze Dampfender Mist Änderungen in der ... Read more
Pronar 82 tsa
It’s not my mod, I just upload it. Extra tractor medium size and strength. Very quiet and stable, the real power (can not pull 100 tons, and without going at maximum speed) There are three different camera positions, lighting control panel in the cab, front weight … etc.. The price of the farming shop I corrected at 820 $ ls, because it is a tractor that most players should have at the start of his career and later in the game when the funds are normally higher is to buy bigger and more expensive machinery. Very good choice for a ... Read more