Tag: Controls

GenX Bale Trailer

Welcome to John Deere Equipment I see your looking at our newest bale trailer the GenX Bale trailer. It features: Side Dump Opening Sides Double Axle Lights The Controls to the trailer are: Dump: Press K Open Left Panel: N Open Right Panel: J Its not a bad deal for $10,000. Thanks for shopping at John Deere Equipment! If you have any problems please make a note in the Support Topic. Happy Farming! Credits Model: GeneralX Texture: GeneralX Converted: Spider100

John Deere 6830 Premium V3

Welcome to the John Deere 6830 Premium this is the v3 of this tractor in this edit it has: 1.better sound 2.3 cameras 3.indicators 4.doors and back window that open Controls are: Number pad 1&3 are Left and right indicators 2 hazards 4 rear window Non number pad 6 front linkage up/down 7 left cab door 9 right cab door 5 front work lights 6 rear work lights Hope you like mr helppers edit Smiley if you have any problems please contact MR HELPPER (lsuk) Specializations : working dashboard ,opening windows and indicators -stefan zimmerman Credits Models & Base Textures ... Read more

Volvo BM 430

Here’s my edit of the Volvo BM 430! Specializations; ESLimiter manualIgnition worklights Duels weight wheelextra Controls; ESLimiter_plus – key pageup ESLimiter_minus – key pagedown Extrawheels – key 9 Worklight/extralight – key 6 Ignition – key Numpad Enter Weight – key 7 Information; Price; 57400$ Fuel; 95 gallons Twinbeacons Credits Model: Axel_Of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly and PeterJ Edit 1: Chrille154 Edit 2: Takk (me)

Valtra 900 Pack [MP]

Valtra 900 Pack includes: Valtra 900 2WD Valtra 900 4WD Valtra 900 4WD with Frontloader MP-LIFT 255 Tractors work in Multiplayer! Features: 1:1 scale AO Texture Opening doors and rear window Dual Wheels Worklights Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Controls: 0 – Menu on/off KP , – Ignition KP 1, 2 – Open/Close Doors KP 3 – Autosteer On/Off KP 4 – Worklights On/Off KP 5 – Rear Duels On/Off KP 6 – Front Duels On/Off KP 8 – Open/Close Rear Window Credits Model, Texture and Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam (www.ls-uk.info), Modified by Tepa00 Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro ... Read more

Pilmet V

Here is the Pilmet v a small sprayer for small farms Capacity: 2027 gallon Working wide: Around 12m Controls: B will turn the sprayer on X will fold the sprayer Credits: Model: Andreycunko Edit: Bociek & Soca

Claas Jaguar 870 Pack (Manual Spout)

Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function of lifting and lowering the header. It is advised that a joystick controller is used as this will make the operation of the spout easier. Manual Controls: Spout raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving mouse left or right. Header raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving the mouse up or down. Spout swivel left or right: Hold right mouse button while moving mouse left or ... Read more

MF8400 pack (8480 edit)

MF 8460 with rear dual wheels and frontweight. MF 8470 with flotation wheels and working front linkage. MF 8480 with duals both front and rear and front linkage. All the tractors have ESlimiter, Powershaftattacher, Manual ignition and Additional lights 3.1 Controls: Start: Key5 Front duals: key8 Rear duals: key9 Front worklights: numpad 5 Rear worklights: numpad 6 Indicators: Left:numpad 1 Right:numpad 3 Hazard: numpad 2 Please don´t upload this anywhere else! Credits: Basemodel: ? 8480 edit: ottopersson Trelleborg wheels: Tires: 3xitus Rims: STIANBY Lightsaddon: Sven777b Powershaftattacher and ESlimiter: SFM modding Dualwheelscripts and manual ignition: LS-UK Modteam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ab390mg31uu6ui http://www.sendspace.com/file/zobyv3

Peterbilt 281 & Agroliner

This restored, repainted, fixed Peterbilt is now black with chrome and has a black and chrome Agroliner trailer. Peterbilt 281 Features: Horn New Paint Job 660 Gallons of Fuel EsLimiter Top Speed of 60 MPH New Chrome Texture Nice Detailing New Rims Extended Frame Reverse Sound Effects Manual Ignition Suspension Peterbilt Logos Peterbilt Cost $75,000 Odometer counter Operating Hours Trailer Features: New Black Paint Job Chrome Wheels Kroger Mudflaps Fruits Wheat, Barley, Canola, (Rape), Corn, (Maize), Chaff Trailer Cost $26,500 Hydraulic Lift While Unloading Triple Axle Controls: Horn 0 Start Number Pad Enter Light F Hope You Enjoy the Mod! ... Read more

Piper (airplane)

Description: Controls A,S,W,D Keypad 8,5,4,6 Credits: Model: FSX Microsoft Script: Sven777b (airplane) Download: Piper (airplane) [Hotfile.com] Download: Piper (airplane) [Uploading.com]