Tag: Convert

Holmer Terra Dos T3 Pack (beta)

Description: Moder: Siwus Teile: Giants Original LS09 Umbau + Skin: Shippy74,BF3 Convert Matt26 & Matt2610 Download: Holmer Terra Dos T3 Pack (beta) [Hotfile.com] Download: Holmer Terra Dos T3 Pack (beta) [Uploading.com]

Fortschritt E514 Pack

Description: Fruits: wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower soybean MP ready! Credits: Convert and edit Dzanito Download: Fortschritt E514 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Fortschritt E514 Pack [Uploading.com]

John Deere 1450 Pack

Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit: wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK: John Deere 1450,Cutter JD 622H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1450 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 622H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JOHN DEERE Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1450 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1450 Pack [Uploading.com]

Forschritt E281E + E295 + E296

Description: 2× cutters – maize and grass MP ready Credits: Convert and edit Dzanito Download: Forschritt E281E + E295 + E296 [Hotfile.com] Download: Forschritt E281E + E295 + E296 [Uploading.com]

John Deere 1550 Pack

Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit:wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK:John Deere 1550,Cutter JD 625H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1550 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 625H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JD Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Lexion 460 Pack

Description: Lexion: Modell, Texture: shangri66 Edit: Vooki Geringhoff 8 rows: Modell: shangri66 Textur: shangri66 Convert by ls11: Adam/Paldoo Edited by n00body Download: CLAAS Lexion 460 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 460 Pack [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Lexion 560 Pack

Description: Lexion: Modell, Texture: Nickel77 Script: SpeedySC1978, Lander, balogh2003 Edit: Flori Ls2011:fiat180-90 Fixed: Vooki V900 Header: Verkaeufer: Bandit & MRA Modding convert to LS11: durman Edit and fix:fiat180-90 Geringhoff 8 rows: Modell: shangri66 Textur: shangri66 Convert by ls11: Adam/Paldoo Edited by n00body Header Trailer: Modell: Maurermatze Anpassung: sk8mike,Ryboth Script: MxY.rlp Reskin: Realfamertom Download: CLAAS Lexion 560 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 560 Pack [Uploading.com]

Fortschritt E514 Pack v2

Description: Convert and Edit by Dzanito Skin:Michal151 Download: Fortschritt E514 Pack v2 [Hotfile.com] Download: Fortschritt E514 Pack v2 [Uploading.com]

Krone BigM II v2 – AP

Description: Krone BigM II self-propelled mower with automatic lining. 0(e) info panel + autopilot Only Singelplayer Credits: original mod by Meistro & Bersi Convert AP LS11: AlesK AP: Martin94

Massey Ferguson 299

Description: Modell by ihc-433 Ingame by VWFahrer80 299 by INTERNACIONAL(Jader) And Rick-LS Convert Ls2011_MarioADM Download: Massey Ferguson 299 [Hotfile.com] Download: Massey Ferguson 299 [Uploading.com]