Tag: convertion
Hesston 4322 Wheel Rake

This is a convert from 2009. It is a wheel rake. B to activate V to lower X to unfold Credits: 2009 author: xyzspain Convertion: SweetPete947 andy-4389
john deere 8410

same features as the fs11 but the beacon dont work and comes only with double wheels and thats how it shows up i did not edit it for the double wheels Mod by: kaziu1551 Convertion: Pronar123 converted to fs11:farmermaster Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137492983/5fcaa1a/JD8410.zip.html
Large manure pit v2

Here the manure pit V2, Original Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw convertion massey MAN23 & deutzfan129 Umbau: bluemomo Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129270861/f7a0cf5/Guellegrube_V2.zip.html
John Deere 4455

Credits: John Deere 4455 Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat SameDiamond265 Et moi : Pidu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120037921/4c70da0/johndeere4455bypidu.zip.html
Deutz Intrac 2004 (beta)
Description: Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Download: Deutz Intrac 2004 (beta) [Hotfile.com]
Deutz Intrac 2004 V2.5
Description: Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Rebuild / Fix: Shippy74 Edit: lessmann983 Download: Deutz Intrac 2004 V2.5 [Hotfile.com]
John Deere Serie 55′ Pack v 1
Credits: Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat Download: 5-v-2.rar.html
Deutz Fahr 5690HTS
Description: Deutz–Fahr 5690HTS Umfang: Drescher, Textur Ersteller: Mev01, Zichi Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Corn and Sunflower cutter Modell by: Taylor Textúra by: Iceman Ingame by: Sabo-1310 Edit: PeterJ Header Modell: shangri66 Textur: shangri66 Ingame: Siwus Edit: PeteJ Download: Deutz Fahr 5690HTS [Hotfile.com]
John Deere 4055
Description: Auteur(s): Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat Download: John Deere 4055 [Hotfile.com]
Lemken Solitair9 Seed Drill
Description: Lemken Zirkon: Modell: LordNyax Textur: John–Deere 6930 Script/Ingame: John–Deere 6930 LS 2011 Convertion: Harley Lemken Solitair: Modell: LordNyax Textur: John–Deere 6930 Script/Ingame: John–Deere 6930 LS 2011 Convertion: Harley & Classtraktor Download: Lemken Solitair9 Seed Drill [Hotfile.com] Download: Lemken Solitair9 Seed Drill [Uploading.com]