Tag: cotton
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
John Deere 9930 cotton picker mod

Description John Deere 9930 cotton picker This is a cotton picker machine. took over 200 hours to reach its final form. Please do not edit the model without my permission. if you have problems send me pm. thanks! enjoy Credits Model: Chrisp267 Textures: Chrisp267 Script: Chrisp267 {{{ Greece }}}
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA
[gallery link=”file”] That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for ... Read more
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA
That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for a higher ... Read more
Remolques Agrobellon
Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more
Banjo Farms Ver2 rezipped pack
ok here it is, the second version of Banjo Farm.. this is a high def version, will not be releasing a low def this time. the map I3D is a little smaller, an it runs a lot smoother now. every building was either redone or replaced. it has the basic crops plus taters an cotton. taters an cotton are sold at Willies, as are bales, you cannot sale bales at the farms in ver2. all other crops are sold up on the hill at Deliverance Grain Mills.. there is a brand new farm in version 2, all building other than ... Read more
Deutz 7545 RTS TT v 1.5 Multifruit
– ESLimiter v2 – Area Counter – Hour meter – Lighting v3 (working front light, pipe light, low beam / high beam, (warning) indicators, brake lights) – straw shredder – auto steer (steering lock) – Green Star dyn -. Exhaust fumes – WheelParticle – skin changed slightly – Automatic adjustment to the ground on the cutting on an inclined plane – New, private Füllplanen for ALL fruits! – crops: wheat, barley, canola, triticale, rice, rye, oats, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, soybeans, peas, corn , green beans, yellow beans, cotton, coffee, aloe vera – Grain tank capacity: 12500 liters (Unloading rate ... Read more
Start Map Multifruit
Hi. This is a great start map for those who like more experience with fruits. Smiley * The start map have maybe too much fruits or channels. * But if that some wrong, send me a pm. So I can maybe help with your problem. * I have tried and tested the map, and that work well for me. Smiley The map include Fruits : Soybean,potato,artichoke,carrots,cotton, green beans, sunflower, Sugarbeets,Potatoes,Standard Fruits, Hafer, beans, wild berries, tomatoes, grapes, pumpkins, onion, black berries(unsure about that works), mushroom, mohn and melons. * So i hope this start map will help you on a ... Read more
Sirgramkow Map
This is my first map, you have to have DLC2 to play this map Smiley DLC 2 BGA ManureTube liquidManureTube Manure Sell point liquidManure Sell point cotton greenwheat soybean sugarbeet sunflower potato I have only use (potato and sugarbeet) so if you will use the other Fruits, fill free to add some selling points to them they are install in to the map Wink Hop your guys like it, and if you have to ask me somthing pm me Wink have a nice day. sorry it is not the right PDA map, i will fix it soon;) Download: http://ul.to/bnawfu8a https://rapidshare.com/files/3884502255/SirgramkowMap.zip