Tagged: country trade


Scania diesel tank truck v3

Scania diesel tank truck, “Billinger country trade” for fueling tractors and threshers. (Works like the Hoftankstelle) Features: Mobile gas station, Highway Code V3.1 lighting, dynamic exhaust, tire dust in the field, einblendbarer gas station...


AA47 Tipper

Here is the multi-fruit version of the classic trailer fa. Country trade Moeller GmbH tilting to the right. With trailer coupling. tipAnywhere capable, suitable chippers – reinhäckseln you can Types of fruit: wheat barley...


Upper Bavaria Map

Furthermore, they may be for sale to help: Eifgok country trade. Barley, canola, corn and wheat Brewery:. Wheat, barley McCain:. Potatoes BGA. Hächselgut, grass, Schreder Download: http://ul.to/nohorxyu http://uploading.com/files/de443395/open.rar/


Hamelin Country

On the map it is possible to drive on the tilt. grain can be sold. at Raiffeisen in brewery, Eifok–country trade and the Raiffeisen FertilizerMod is installed. Fertilizer can be picked up there. BGA...