Tag: country trade
Tafu country trade v 1.0

Description I once myself rangemacht and rebuilt the original country store into a Futtergeslschaft. In it are the Futtergeselschaft district of Vechta in Neuenkirchen and Danmme. Credits: GIANTS DerZocker98
Carinthia map v 1.0 by husqvarnafan

Hello dear community ls I thank all of those modders and textures I’ve used objects Required mods: Map door trigger map bga silo It is, for example. improved a hw 80 requires service, the trailer because I did not with the seeds and the ferlitzer hinbekommen in v2 It’s a fish on the map a ball shredder etc. The map has been built complete new You can sell your crops at Billinger country trade There are small to medium size fields that are all biting excessively steep I have uploaded the map so that you can tell me what can ... Read more
Scania diesel tank truck v3

Scania diesel tank truck, “Billinger country trade” for fueling tractors and threshers. (Works like the Hoftankstelle) Features: Mobile gas station, Highway Code V3.1 lighting, dynamic exhaust, tire dust in the field, einblendbarer gas station attendant. Price in Store: 68 400 € Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7afb1c9v716gai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ufiwaj
AA47 Tipper

Here is the multi-fruit version of the classic trailer fa. Country trade Moeller GmbH tilting to the right. With trailer coupling. tipAnywhere capable, suitable chippers – reinhäckseln you can Types of fruit: wheat barley oat rye grass rape maize chaff cotton training poppy potato sugarbeet sugarcane sunflower Download: http://ul.to/w7lnlnmo http://depositfiles.com/files/1u8hmswrs
Upper Bavaria Map
Furthermore, they may be for sale to help: Eifgok country trade. Barley, canola, corn and wheat Brewery:. Wheat, barley McCain:. Potatoes BGA. Hächselgut, grass, Schreder Download: http://ul.to/nohorxyu http://uploading.com/files/de443395/open.rar/
Hamelin Country
On the map it is possible to drive on the tilt. grain can be sold. at Raiffeisen in brewery, Eifok–country trade and the Raiffeisen FertilizerMod is installed. Fertilizer can be picked up there. BGA with Heady’s scripts. Here is the MapWeightstationMod installed. Milk truck traffic and driving. . (Thanks farmer’s grandson) extra space for greenhouses DLC3 fields. 10x corn, wheat, 8x, 7x barley, canola 8x, 7x fenced grass pastures (with Collision!) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132067191/cd386bd/HamelnerLand_by_EIFOK.zip.html