Tag: crown
Crown BigX 1100 Beast Pack v7

Umbau Krone BigX1100 Beast Dez2011 / Jan2012: >>> by Repi & Bullgore <<< Modell: Giants Modell umbau, neue AO und Decals: Repi Animationen neu angepasst: Repi Scripte: Face, Alex2009, Sven777b, John Deere 6930, fruktor – Modell komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi) – I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi) – XML neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Animationen neu eingefügt (Repi) – Joystick by BlackFox, AO Textur Joystick by Repi – Lua´s verbaut, XML Tuning by Bullgore >>> by Alex2009<<< – GreenStar Einbau überarbeitet – GreenStar auf V1.1 geupdatet Umbau Krone XDisc6200 Jan2012: Urmodell: raptor Teil neuaufbau: Repi Neue ... Read more
Crown Emsland TKD 302
Modell: dietschnnorbert & bertram-79 Download: http://ul.to/8h59fjq8 http://uploading.com/files/691c71b2/KE_TKD302.zip/
Crown Cutter Maiz
This cutter is designed for KRONEbigfoot1300! Width increased up to 14 meters! Download: http://ul.to/cs0rpb4n
Crown Comprima V 150 XC
Modell: Gorli Texture: MarvinB Umbau Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129810387/234a34b/Krone_Comprima_V_150_XC_V1.zip.html
Crown ORBIS 900
With this 12-row corn head of crown creates one up to 4 acres per hour KroneSkin by MONSTER Umbau Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129703521/81c1b95/Krone_ORBIS_900.zip.html
Direct Disc Pack (520 & 610)
Description: from Claas Jaguar 890 Häcksel Pack. HeadShot XXL basic scripts from the crown BigX V8 chopper. Modification and adaptation of scripts by Meistro & SpeedySC1978. 610 MODEL model by TerbucN Conversion of both to ls2011 by MarcusarilliuS Download: Direct Disc Pack (520 & 610) [Hotfile.com] Download: Direct Disc Pack (520 & 610) [Uploading.com]