Tag: CVX
Case Puma CVX 230 FL v 1.2

Credits: Model/Texture: davidoff Script: stifler506 FL: lshungary edit : TLS Frontlader Sigma: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Ago-Systemtechnik
Case Puma CVX 230
Credits: Templear PeterJ Chrille154 Axel_of_sweden ottopersson Download: http://ul.to/nbwamlki
Case Puma 225 CVX
Description: Modell:Templaer Textur: Templaer Script: Templaer Fix and adaption: LS Portal Italy Download: Case Puma 225 CVX [Hotfile.com]
Case Puma CVX 225
Description: Convert LS11: Martin94 help: Dzanito Download: Case Puma CVX 225 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case Puma CVX 225 [Uploading.com]
Case IH Puma CVX 225 (Reflective)
Description: Convert LS11: Martin94 help: Dzanito Download: Case IH Puma CVX 225 (Reflective) [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH Puma CVX 225 (Reflective) [Uploading.com]
Case IH Puma CVX 225 v2 and (Reflective) v2 (MP ready)
Description: Model, textur: Matliik Script LS11: Martin94 MP ready: Martin94 help: Dzanito Download: Case IH Puma CVX 225 v2 and (Reflective) v2 (MP ready) [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH Puma CVX 225 v2 and (Reflective) v2 (MP ready) [Uploading.com]