Tag: cylindered
Strautmann Verti-Mix 1050

Since the Strautmann has almost always anyway, thank you very much for all the love Modtauschern who have once again makes that this mod was released. Most of all I must thank me for JanO45 who has given the mod on, like a agznee J.i. .. Thank you! attachable animatedVehicle cylindered mouseControlsVehicle fillable Trailer Fenster powerShaft variableTip variableBody Convert beleuchtung31 mooringblocks Mp: Yes Credits: JanO45 Avenzio TheStivala Silv3r LBell Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vbx3sh0weohhmkx http://www.sendspace.com/file/3u0748
John Deere 7710 And Quicke Q75

This package includes: John Deere 7710 Quicke Q75 Features: – Interactive control for: both doors, rear window and beacon – Lighting Script V3.1 – Warning signs, front weight and dual tires for a & Hide – Adjustable hitch with a mouse – Zapfwellenattacher – Front-end loader thanksgiving Hereby I would like to again express besanken the following persons: To the people who have been involved in the mod: Tobii, Stefan, 818vario, Koedel, 820power Have fun with Mod attachable animatedVehicle mouseControlsVehicle cylindered fendtFrontloader MP: Yes Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ebnvf3csjt3jtj http://www.sendspace.com/file/z29lt5
Sipma Dromader ( RB Auto Stacker )

Bale trailer for round bales. It is self loading. Specializations: attachable animatedVehicle cylindered fillable Trailer RBAutoStack Credits: Model, Texture: KamilLS Programming: Adri@n Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1185hate2uhovwd http://www.sendspace.com/file/4rq2rs
Case Maxxum 5140 pack
Case Maxxum 5140 pack by Bjorny Case maxxum 5140 Case maxxum 5140 frontloader spec are Without FL: “OperatingHours” “ESLimiter” “beleuchtung” “Fender” “wheels” “ParticleSystem” With FL: “OperatingHours” “ESLimiter” “beleuchtung” “wheels” “Fender” “ParticleSystem” “mouseControlsVehicle” “cylindered” Key NUM 0 is info On New skin Tires and many more Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132673719/6dc5365/CaseMaxxumUnPackMe.zip.html
Fendt 936 Vario red
Credits: Urmodder aus LS09: Clondike, Edit By: Kleener-Putzi Ingame LS2011: Kyosho Umbau/Updates: Kyosho Version: 5.0 Umgeskinnt: Lacky_xD Reifen von Schnulla-817 ParticleSystem von Schnulla-817 BeleuchtungV3 von Sven777b wheelParticleSpec – Scripter unbekannt moveAttacher – Scripter nicht bekannt aiNightlight von Jack Betriebsstundenzähler von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) PowerShaft von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) ESLimiter von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) InteractiveControl von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) InteractiveButtons von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) ControlPanelAttacher von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) InteractiveWindows von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) InteractiveComponent Interface von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Allrad von (modelleicher) Tractorgreenstar von (Autor: Patar; Idee: the Death; Helfer: sven777b; Modell: Ferddy.com) motorized steerable hirable cylindered aiTractor ParticleSystem wheelParticleSpec ... Read more