Tag: data
Claas Tucano 480 MW v 1.0

Description Modifications: adjusted pace. Skin and interior details have been improved. Sound improved. Data errors from the log processed. The MOD is now without error log. Credits: Jerrico, florian1990,marius63
JCB Fastrac 8310 v 3

Description New gear now running 75 km / h second engine sound Reverse Sound Trailer ads go now in Hud New Tractor logo (JCB Fastrac 8310) in Hud more weight Store data and prices adjusted Credits: Convert and Edit by Dzanito
Case Deutz Fendt FPS Farmers

Installation: unrar and copy files of “C:\Program Files\Farming Simulator 2011\data\character\farmer” files are replaced. Credits: Giorgio jds-bully Download: .rar
Farmer Scins
Installation: unrar and copy files in “C:\Program Files\Farming Simulator 2011\data\character” with replacement. Credits: gigants skin jds bully Download: .rar
Fendt 9460R Pack
Hello dear community, it’s finally arrived: I do not trust me to publish something that owners will look weak systems without modding skills. I can has long been looking to find the right Fendt 9460, chop the straw, is not flood of data. FDJ Modding has given me the right Fendt. The novelty in this part are some modifications in the Keys and the autopilot. Also, the script should be a little cleaner. I can not guarantee that there are no Logfehler or eliminated is that when something is wrong keyboard layout. Have but tried to chop the straw with ... Read more
New Skin Grass
Description: by korn82 Copy the folder foliage to your C:\Programme\Landwirtschafts–Simulator 2009\data\maps\textures and overwrite it Warning: restore your original foliage folder if you want the old textures back. Download: New Skin Grass [Hotfile.com] Download: New Skin Grass [Letitbit.net]
Wheat Textures
Description: This includes wheat texture, windrow texture and cutted short aswell. Go to start>my computer>Local disc (C )>program files>FS/LS09>data>maps>textures>foliage Then replace the old files with this ones. Open the RAR to find texture file. Download: Wheat Textures [Hotfile.com]
Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses
Description: Here’s a Cleaner skin for the LS 11 warehouses for you! Pictures: Installation: Unpack the Zip Archiv and put the dds file (warehouse_diffuse.dds)in the folder Farming–Simulator 2011/data/maps/models/buildings/warehouse. Replace it. Have fun:-P Credits: Skinner: Basti97 Download: Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses [Hotfile.com] Download: Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses [Uploading.com]