Tag: David
David Brown 1690 ver1.2

David Brown 1690 made by opelman. I has realease permit from him. ver 1.2 Updates:smaller file size, new hood, new tires,added some details, dynamic exhaust, power shaft attacher Mod has basic functions: ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, manualIgnition, openable windows Switchable 4X4 Traction, dynamic exhaust, powershaft attacher press “5” to start the tractor press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to turn 4×4 on/off press “9” to put on rear dual wheels press num1 open/close left door press num2 open/close right door ... Read more
Blackhead Farm V2

Map by: D&D Modding‘s DaleC, Dave_Boughen & Borders Basher Tested by: David-96, William, Dave_Boughen & Borders Basher Objects: Bale Mod (Deutz Fahr UK, DaleC & Slartibartfast) Manure Handling (DaleC) Paintable Trees (Slartibartfast) Weeds Mod (Burner) Roads (SCR Modding) Old Cottage (DylanAlcornLawd) Cattle (Maxter) Thanks to William & sandgroper for the helpful tips. Download: http://ul.to/99swjt6q
Angarrack Farm V1
Bucrakable silage pits (Rise’s/falls) Paintable Tree Add-ons. (Thanks DOCTORHILTI) 2 Farm Yards. One Main one kind of outfarm. 1 Barley Field, 1 Cultivated Field. The rest are Grass Working Cow Zone, no milk truck or Traffic. Credits Map by: D&D Modding’s DaleC & Dave_Boughen Tested by: David-96, ChrisW, Dave_Boughen & FS_IS_BEST Buildings/Objects by: LS-UK Modteam Freelance Modding Crew Deutz Fahr UK Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ubdnxjtx6d7rgph http://www.sendspace.com/file/wqkoo5
Fleming Roller V2
Model: DaleC/sandgroper Texture: DaleC/sandgroper In-game: DaleC/sandgroper Script: PeterJ Testers: jonnydeere/ChrisW/David-96/Tomo23 Download: http://ul.to/ivqnv5ie http://uploading.com/files/caa2ae41/FlemingRoller_V2.zip/
John Deere 7530P
Model/Texture: Bigfarmer145 Sound: Sevorane In-game: Geri-G Script: Geri-G/Face Edit: DaleC Testing: JonnyDeere, Danthefarmerboy, David-96, Tomo23 & HaaaaryXD Download: http://ul.to/wfcq9ju7
David Brown 1690
Credits: Model: Davedb Textur: Davedb Script: Templear Ingame: Davedb and henly20 david brown 1690 105hp 6cyl turbo www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124749353/6716091/DB1690.zip.html
Credits: Edit By Martin und David Ost West LPG Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121691279/0f3e6fb/T16M.zip.html
David Brown PACK
Description: Model: Davedb Textur: Davedb Script: Templear Ingame: Davedb and henly20 Download: David Brown PACK [Hotfile.com] Download: David Brown PACK [Uploading.com]