Tag: dealer
holsty farm

tank=adrien12 weighstaion=eifok team hangerv2=duarn british shed pack=model farmer and andrew stanton british hay shed=farmer1 earnvale dealer=andrew stanton double bay shed=jd8430t and deutzuk multisilo=maca and defender Download: http://ul.to/94zltwnn
Little G. 2012

The Little G. 2012 Map there are: Standard Fruit A BGA In addition to the BGA are two mountains silage A Raiffeisen A land trade name HaGe A land trade name Ströh A courtyard A cow pasture A heavy-equipment dealer A village Download: http://ul.to/z52bhjvd http://uploading.com/files/6d8861a7/LittleG2012.zip/
Hamelner Land

The fields: Eifok Team The streets: Eifok Team The houses: Eifok Team The bga: Eifok Team The weigtbrug: ? The dealer: Eifok Team The cars: Giants Software GMBH The cowfarm: Eifok Team The bga: Giants Software GMBH Download: http://ul.to/j6ggxwvh
High Grounds Farm
this map is a tradtional cumbrian style map with a dairy and arable farm and another smaller beef farm with a village john deere dealer grain silos all triggers so enojy playing on mulitplayer or single player Credits: start Map-pfreek lowgrounds farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings–ALS/geertyb0y objects-duetz fahr uk Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126687898/c3301ba/highgroundsfarm.zip.html
Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2)
Description: This is the FINAL version of my Fenlands map. I no longer have time to fix the remaining bug on this map. Please read on for details. Notices for special people: – You need to plough before you cultivate, since patch 1.2 by GIANTS – Workers will not plough for you – As above – until you have ploughed at least once – Remove older versions of this map first – You will need to start a new savegame The Fenland Map is loosely based on a portion of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. It has two farm yards, a central ... Read more