Tag: Dealership
Hoosierland Farm

This farm is a flat, open farm with medium to large fields. The field shapes and sizes are based on real life fields in my area. To be true to the Indiana farm type, there are only 3 crops available in the map: Wheat, Soybean, and Corn. There are 691 acres of fields in this map. There is one main farm in the Southwest corner with a dealership across the street. Cargill and Pioneer seed are available to sell your crops. Pioneer Seed also has seed, fertilizer, and bale shredder. Main farm has small cow area with grass and silage ... Read more

Giants and Giants editor for making this possiable Mc Donalds unknown Landhandel sell point unknown American signs Virikas Giants blender Adobe Google Hermit23 General Barn Docoz John Deere Dealership made by Troll711 credits to John Deere and Deere.com Reskined Houses Giants and Arig3 Chevron Gas Station Troll711 Chevron Gas Sniper214 for lights Old Farm House Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahru If I have left anyone out please let me know and A big thanks to FarmerYip for those videos. Download: http://ul.to/ghtjora6
New Holland Dealership

this mod doubles as dealership and supply store. you must walk inside to the counter to place your order. seeds and fertilizer is outside beside the building. large service center,huge parking area. working lights that come on at 9pm. store inside is fully stocked. huge stock room, and a coke machine outside so your not thirsty on that trip back to the fields. plenty of parking and lots of room to have fun. highly detailed mod down to the last shelf. Download: http://ul.to/u23w3xu5 http://depositfiles.com/files/2x1qxgza3
Ford Tractor Dealership
this dealership is complete with all shop triggers. you also have a 2 bay services area. there is also a fenced in parking lot. we also have 2 front lights, 1 light over the shop trigger and 2 lights for the services area. who wants to work in the dark right? we also have the ford tractor dealer sign out front also. Credits: Made By: Troll711 Ford – Used There Logo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?t2zd7s15q7sgevf http://www.sendspace.com/file/rf1scn
Case Tractor Dealership
This case tractor dealership is to replace the default store on your map. this pack includes the dealership & the dealership sign. also includes garage banners for goodyear tires and case. Credits: By: Troll711 Thanks To Case IH – caseih.com Thanks TO GoodYear Tire – goodyear.com Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?f9l20ncdbqffqby http://www.sendspace.com/file/jiliex
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures and the Alternative tipping. Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: ... Read more
British Map V2 (fixed)
Credits: -Village Houses and some farm buildings: LS_UK Modteam –Dealership: Andrew Stanford -Gateways: Deutz Fahr UK -Speed camera: willjsavage –Bale-pit: dodo27 –UK Baleshed: Farmerl, Dalaid -Double Bay Grainstore: jd8430t -Farmyard and Livestock objects: Deutz Fahr UK –NH TM190: john magne -KV CLC: Woppie -Potato Handling: LS–UK Modteam -Old tank: Willjsavage -Old wall: Willjsavage -Balestacks: emils96 -Pavillionodo27 -Machine Shed/Workshop:Axel_of_Sweden -ManureMod: Koper, hmcrE Download: http://ul.to/z285n1wg
HillHead Farm
Sheds- LS-UK Modteam Silage Pit – McGill2009 Gate’s and Diesel Tank- Deutz Fahr Uk Silage Plain- MONEYMAN Grass Texture- Bociek & the PolishMods team Hedges- Dennis Busch Walls- Matt390T Earnvale Tractors Dealership- Andrew Stanford Silo Bins – Leszek White Wrapped Bales – Claas01 And Giants For All The Other Stuff. Download: http://ul.to/slnixzc0
Churn Farm – Final Edition
Credits Yard objects- Deutz Fahr UK Dairy Cattle Shed-mf6160 Farm Yard accessories/Clutter-Sandgroper British hay/straw shed-Farmerl Corrugated General store sheds-jd8430t-Deutz Fahr UK JD Dealership-troll711 Speed camera-Willjsavage Low poly trees-Vanilleeis new fruits for fs 2011-dodo27 LS-UK Mod Team Maize in rows V2 by Dad0 CountyPower Jamesyy olli Russ Giants Maxter Shed by Andrew Liamnh8560 JD6410 Sprengi triggers-cadaver uk Electric poles–? Dung misthaufen-?? liquidManuretube:–ghost1??: Axel_of_Sweden?? added triggers by janlandby. Pda Mod-apuehri (“newpda”/”PDA_Mod”) & WeeRuz CLAAS Lexion 770TT Pack (MP)- Credits: Ingame,script- Defender Modells: Claas Lexion 770-Shangri66 Claas header trailer-Maurermatze Claas Vario 1200- Maurermatze Sodimac Keral 1610- 3D: Fendt-du-50 Script: Sagona01 & TSF3M Dangreville-Mat ... Read more
Churn Farm Version
Credits: Version- 1.1 -Tommy23- Yard objects- Deutz Fahr UK Dairy Cattle Shed-mf6160 Farm Yard accessories/Clutter-Sandgroper British hay/straw shed-Farmerl Corrugated General store sheds-jd8430t-Deutz Fahr UK JD Dealership-troll711 Speed camera-Willjsavage Low poly trees-Vanilleeis new fruits for fs 2011-dodo27 LS-UK Mod Team Maize in rows V2 by Dad0 CountyPower Jamesyy olli Russ Giants Maxter Shed by Andrew Liamnh8560 JD6410 Sprengi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124745326/28ed2a0/Churn_Farm_Version_1.1__MODS.rar.html