Tagged: Deere


John Deere 500HKL transfer vehicles

Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1, Superlooper53 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1 Umbau zum HKL: Gnescher Download: http://ul.to/nom8b794


John Deere 7800 Forager Pack

ESLimiter-(Pageup and Pagedn) OperatingHours-(Hours on the Forager) WheelDirtSpecialization-(Creates Tire Tracks) WheelParticle-(Creates Dust) Washable-(Now Gets Drity) BeleuchtungV31-(Now Has working brake,turn,warning,independent worklights) ExhaustParticleSystem-(Creates Extra Smoke From Exaust) LEDLightbarV2-(Key Home) New-Sound New-Skin New-Wheels (Also in the pack...