Tag: Deere

John Deere 7930 v1.2

Credits: Der 7930 ist ein passender Traktor fuer mittelgrosse Betriebe sie koennen viel mit ihm machen. LS 09 : LS Works, LS 11 : Stefan (Vielen Dank an Desperados93 and Johni 6530 die mir noch geholfen haben) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124397750/a53a3ea/JohnDeere7930v12.zip.html

MAN TGA John Deere Edition mit Kröger Agroliner J D

Credits: MAN TGA John Deere Edition Original: Landvie Skin und Ingame LS11: Landvie www.modhoster.de Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124037899/ea9cfa1/MAN_TGA_John_Deere_Edition_mit_Kroeger_Agroliner_J_D.rar.html

Niedersachsen v 3.1 FINAL [mp]

Credits: Klein NDS by Deere6800 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123936583/ebab2bd/NiedersachsenV3.zip.html

John Deere Schaufel pack

Credits: Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Umbau/Updates: Fendt 939 Deere skin by: Fendt 939 Stiahnute z fansajtu: landwirtschafts.4fan.cz Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123644618/4ef63ae/john-deere-shovel-pack.zip.html

John Deere W 650

Credits: Model:JDEAN, BAYN, Leandrols09, edit: Gere Textur: Gere Edit LS11: Nocsy Bugs behoben: Barel93 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123571097/51d05a6/John_Deere_W650_v2_unpack.zip.html

John Deere 660 Multi Pack

Credits: Model:JDEAN, BAYN, Leandrols09 Textur: Leandrols09 Edit LS11: Nocsy http://farming-simulator.blogspot.com/ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123229342/f33521d/beniac_jdt660.rar.html

TECNO 9500 Combine PACK

Credits: Model Tecno 9500: Formula_1 Textures: Formula_1 Script: Formula_1 machine based John Deere 9950 (Chrisp267) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123049846/8aa45bd/TECNO_9500_PACK.rar.html

John Deere 6420 Pack

Credits: www.Ls-planet.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122862245/febce9d/JD-6420-Pack—UNZIP-.zip.html

John Deere 8320UK v 1 beta [mp]

Credits: Model:Bauernluemmel and Ask0 ucoz Download mods www.agrar-simulator.ucoz.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122757209/48fe20e/JD8320uk.zip.html

John Deere 6930 with Quikce v 0.91 [mp]

Credits: Model: Arnold, Acid_Burn84©, Boembchen, Mario for LS08 Converted to LS09: Lack Ls2011: Sakarya Edit: sjtraktor Quicke: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Face LS11: hanslanzmanns Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122756234/cfcac2f/Open_me.zip.html