Tag: destroyer
Close Farm V2 DLC2 required

First of all sorry this has taken so long. This is a medium size map with one Farm, Cow zone, Mill, Brewery and BioGas, you do need DLC2 to use this. The milktruck work’s and goes to the Cow’s, picks up milk ect, but I couldn’t get it to go all the way back to dairy, but if you are not there you won’t see it, it will just restart as normal. there are 16 fields, 3 fields planted for a bit of a start but the rest is up to you, the mill has separate triggers for each fruit. ... Read more
Banjo Farms Ver2 rezipped pack

ok here it is, the second version of Banjo Farm.. this is a high def version, will not be releasing a low def this time. the map I3D is a little smaller, an it runs a lot smoother now. every building was either redone or replaced. it has the basic crops plus taters an cotton. taters an cotton are sold at Willies, as are bales, you cannot sale bales at the farms in ver2. all other crops are sold up on the hill at Deliverance Grain Mills.. there is a brand new farm in version 2, all building other than ... Read more
Banjo Farms

FMC – Freelance Modding Crew for their gates, great job on those ya’ll. FMC for the MultiFruitLayer Installer, sure makes it faster to put trees on the map FMC for the Parsnip, makes it easy to change things around. triggers by Cadaver (uk) thank these sure make it easy for somebody like me to make a map. bale destroyer trigger i forgot where i got it, but thanks. Bociek & the PolishMods team pretty sure i used some of there textures. GhillieSniper for the HD Terrain textures V2 Burner for the weed mod New Plowing Texture by Melfoy seeding texture ... Read more
Welcom to the FirstTryMapV2 as it was with the first version this an edit of the original map but with a Hocks23 spin. In this map all of the original fields have had a remake sizes range from medium to large, big equipment is needed. So what is in the new map? -ORIGINAL FRUITS -New textures -Great looking stubble heights -New buildings (some old buildings removed) -Selling places moved -Bale destroyer -Farm moved -Fruit gauges -2 farm storage areas -Traffic removed -Problems from first version fixed -Dairy and cowzone were not edit at all -MP not sure as I dont ... Read more
MountainHome V1
This map was made for players which like hills. It has many objects and cowzone. BGA is not in map, maybe i will add it on V1.1 version. Bale destroyer is also in map. Download
Rocky Mountain farming Map
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more