Tag: detail
Mining Map 2012

In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This is my first uploaded map and I will say its not my best. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and me in the credits. I hope I trigger some people to want to make some mining maps and hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am going to ... Read more
Blackcrow Farm

BGA scripts Heady Mr “F” For map objects Tobsel88 for the tree’s Fatian for the roads Nikl for the fert barn Luis for the grass texture LS–UK modteam for the use of their Buildings Spider for the hedges HeadshotXXL/Burner for the weed mod Koper/HmcrE for the Liquid manure and solid manure mod Imarvin for the gate pfreek for many detail‘s such as signs/fences etc.. Nico/Lip4 for the cow/grain barns D4rkfr34k for the grain sell point barn Desperados93 for his edited scripts for the liquid and solid manure mod LS–UK Modteam for their edit of the alternativetipping And last but not ... Read more
ProAgrar Map v1.0

Ich präsentiere hier die “aufgemöbelte” Version der Traumwelten Map von Samou. Ich weise ausdrücklich daraufhin, das SAMOU der Urbauer der Map ist. Eine schriftliche Genehmigung zum Einstellen der modifizierten Map liegt mir vor! Für alle die, die Spass an der Traumwelten Map haben und Details in der Map lieben werden sich an dieser Map erfreuen. Diese Map erhielt Neuerungen wie z.B.: -Beide Berge wurden bewaldet. Jeder einzelne Baum mit Liebe gepflanzt. -Auf einem Berg stehen Windkraftanlagen. Zufahrt hier durch ein elektrisches Tor. -Ein Aldi-Supermarkt ersetzt das Motel. -Es entstand ein neuer und aufwendiger Farmshop mit elektrischem Tor. Der Farmshop ist ... Read more
Farndish Map v 1
Welcome to 4 months of work on my map Farndish, this is a high quality map with lots of detail. It is aimed at medium to high range computer systems, the shows are lowered some what to help the playability. This a version1 as the caravans are not yet made, I will release an update pack when its done. The map has standard fruits, and does not have cows or milk mod, however to use the slurry system you will need to buy the cows, though they don’t show up. Any problems please post in the support topic and be ... Read more